Drained (Edgars Family #6) - Suzanne Ferrell Page 0,28

edge of the sidewalk and they moved closer to the crowd. Standing a few feet behind Aaron and Jaylon, she gathered the pup into her free arm, holding him far enough away that he couldn’t lick her.

“What can you tell us?” a female reporter, sounding very frustrated, asked Aaron, holding a microphone inches in front of his face.

With the camera lights shining at him, Brianna saw the tightness of his facial muscles. He stood ramrod straight, nothing relaxed.

With her phone pressed against her ear and the video recording ap turned on, she moved in a counterclockwise motion one inch every five seconds or so to record closer images of the reporters, camera personnel and onlookers in the small crowd beyond.

“At this time,” Aaron said, his voice tight with authority, “all we can confirm is that a man was found inside this building by a passerby. We don’t know who he is or how he was killed.”

All true, in an evasive sort of way.

He held up his hand as another reporter opened their mouth to ask a question. “When we have more details, we’ll release them to you. Until then, you know the drill. Direct your questions to the Public Information officer.”

Finished, he stepped away and motioned for Brianna, who turned off the recorder, to follow him. Jaylon stepped in behind her to buffer her from the curious reporters. They didn’t speak until they’d cleared the perimeter set by the patrol cars and were nearly where they’d left her car parked down the block from the old brick building.

“What now?” Brianna asked.

Aaron stopped and turned back to study the crowd they’d just left. The news people were busy packing up their equipment. Most of the bystanders seemed to be drifting away, although a few really rough and ragged—probably homeless who’d used the building as shelter like Art—seemed to be contemplating if they should go inside or try to find another spot to finish the night.

“Nothing much more we can do here,” he finally said. “Jay, you got Art’s fingerprints?”

“Yeah,” the younger man said. “Want me to run them in the system tonight?”

Aaron shook his head. “No, it can wait ’til morning. We’re all exhausted. We’ll get some sleep and start again first thing in the morning.” He checked his watch. “It’s nearly three. How about I meet you at the precinct about ten?”

Jaylon gave him a nod, then turned to her. “Night, Ms. Matthews.” He reached over and scratched Stanley on the head a moment. “You too, pup.”

“You okay to drive?” Aaron asked her once they were alone.

“Sure. Why?” she asked, wondering if he was too tired to do so, but heading to the driver’s side.

He climbed in the passenger seat, took Stanley from her and deposited him in the backseat. “I need to make a couple of calls,” he said, pulling out his phone.

“Okay. Where am I heading? Taking you back to the precinct for your car?” she asked, starting the car and slowly doing a U-turn away from the remnants of the crowd near the crime scene and the two patrol cars and crime scene van still in the area.

“Your place,” he said, concentrating on his phone.

“My place? Why my place?” she asked, bristling. They might’ve spent the evening together and years ago, that would’ve meant an intimate conclusion to a date for her, but she’d changed. She no longer believed she owed men a night of sex just because they paid attention to her. And other than Kirk F, who was like a kid brother to her, no man had set foot in her apartment since she’d come home from the hospital.

“Because my place doesn’t allow pets.”

Surprised at his answer, she opened her mouth to ask what that had to do with him thinking he was sleeping with her tonight, only to have him hold up a hand to stop her mid thought.


Castello? As in former Deputy U.S. Marshal Frank Castello? A friend of Abby’s? Why was Aaron calling him? And why at this hour of the morning? And what did he have to do with Art’s murder?

They’d found his calling card.

A surge of triumph shot through him. He stopped, grabbed hold of the door handle to his van and took a slow breath. Once he had the thrill under control, he climbed inside and watched the scene in front of him. News crews and police doing their jobs, while the busybodies tried to see what was going on.

It had been risky. He’d almost given in to his

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