Drained (Edgars Family #6) - Suzanne Ferrell Page 0,118

building with boarded up or blacked out windows.

“This is the place,” he said as Jaylon and Matt parked right behind them. A third car pulled in behind him—Stedaman and Carson.

Aaron’s phone rang. He answered it on speaker phone and dialed Jaylon in for a conference call.

“How do you want to handle this?” Stedaman asked.

“We know this is where Kirk F came. That’s his grandmother’s Caddy in front of me. We’ll assume he’s inside this building somewhere.”

“Doesn’t look to be much security,” Jaylon said.

“Looks can be deceiving,” Carson said. “Remember this guy is smart and meticulous. Everything on the outside says Keep Out. So, I’d assume there’s some sort of electronic sensors or monitoring devices on the grounds.”

Up ahead headlights flashed as two cruisers pulled to the side of the road three car lengths beyond the caddy. Finally, the SWAT team’s van they’d used earlier also entered the perimeter. The leader climbed out and jogged down to Aaron’s car and climbed in back.

“Sorry to drag you out here again Lieutenant,” he said to the SWAT leader.

“Not a problem, Detective. Hope we get him this time.”

Aaron nodded, then held up the phone so they could all hear the conversation. “So, assuming this guy has a way to see us coming, stealth really isn’t an option. The longer it takes us to get inside, the more danger Kirk F is in.”

He gave the lieutenant a quick description of Kirk F and also filled him in on the idea that there may be a second hostage inside—if their knowledge of the killer’s modus operandi was correct the doctor might still be alive.

“I’ll deploy my men around the perimeter,” the SWAT leader said. “We’ll leave the patrol to secure the outer perimeter and your team can mix in with my people. We’ll go in from all sides on my call.”

“Sounds like the best option,” Stedaman said.

The plan set, the lieutenant headed back to fill in his team.

Aaron secured his vest once more and checked his weapon, trying to calm the raging anger and fear coursing through his veins. He wanted to shake Kirk F for pulling this crazy, dangerous stunt. At the same time, he prayed he’d find him before any real harm came to him. He’d never forgive himself if he didn’t.

“You’ll find him,” Brianna said softly beside him.

Had he said that out loud? Or was she just so attune to what he was thinking and just as worried?

“I need you—” he started.

“To stay locked in this car until you give me the signal,” she finished for him. “Trust me, the last thing I want to be is a distraction. Saving Kirk F is the most important thing.” She leaned closer and cupped his face with one hand. Kissing him hard. “You go bring our friend home.”


“You will need to stay warm for this next part,” Armbruster said, laying a thick out-of-the-dryer warm blanket over Kirk.

He wanted to sigh as the warmth eased some of his shivering. Not all of it would go away, since fear of what this jerk-off was going to do him next ratcheted up a few more notches.

A metal tray on wheels, similar to the one next to the old guy several feet away, rattled closer. On top of it was one of those thick plastic bags he’d seen in the blood banks he’d visited for Aaron. Along with tubing and some hospital needles.

Oh shit! The guy was going to drain his blood. He had to get out of here.

He tried to move his body against the straps. His muscles moved slightly, but not enough to burst through his bindings. His heart raced.

“There, there. You don’t need to get excited. You’ll be doing a great thing,” Armbruster said as lifted Kirk’s sweatshirt sleeve up his arm and began washing the inside part of his elbow with something very cold. His voice had gone soft in a weirdly soothing sort of sing-songy way like Nana’s did when he was a little boy and skinned his knees.

What the hell? Was that the drug he gave him making him think like this?

“Since you’re getting active, I guess we’d better be sure you can’t make any noise,” he said, fiddling with something just out of Kirk’s line of sight.

A ripping sound rent the stillness of the room.

Armbruster came closer and held something in his hand. A strip of duct tape.

Kirk tried to shake his head, but the band holding his head in place prevented him. He widened his eyes, begging the man not to

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