Dragonvein - Brian D. Anderson Page 0,52

his hands had stopped their constant trembling.

“My two companions won’t be joining us at the lodge,” announced Jeb.

“Why not?” asked Markus.

“The job we’ve been hired for will take a few days of scouting first,” he explained. “They want to go on ahead and get it done. I’ll meet them there after I’ve shown you the way.”

He moved to join his comrades who were standing just out of earshot. They spoke to Jeb for a few minutes before departing.

“I don’t like it,” said Markus. “They could bring soldiers.”

“Jeb’s a good man,” objected Kat. “He wouldn’t do that.”

Markus regarded her and shook his head. “You’re too trusting.”

“I’d trust him before I’d trust you,” she snapped back.

Jonas hobbled up and rested his arm on Kat’s shoulder. “This time I agree with Markus. It would be far too easy for them to betray us. They already suspect that we’re on the run. What’s to stop them from trying to collect a bounty?”

Kat stamped her foot. “I’m telling you that Jeb wouldn’t do that.”

“I don’t think we have any choice but to trust him,” Ethan chipped in. He ran a concerned gaze over Jonas. “If you don’t get a few days’ rest you’re only going to get sicker.”

“Are you ready?” Jeb called over.

Ethan waved. “We’re ready.”

“No one wants to listen to me, but this is a bad idea,” complained Markus.

Jeb shot him a sharp glance - a sure sign that he had heard this remark - but made no response before setting off in an easterly direction.

By midday the forest had become much thicker, slowing their pace considerably. Markus kept a watchful eye on their surroundings, his hand never far from the hilt of his sword. Kat stayed close to Jonas, catching his arm on numerous occasions to save him from losing his footing. The exertion was clearly taking a heavy toll on the old man. By the time they halted for a quick meal of fruit and jerky, the frequency of his coughing had dramatically increased once again and his face was virtually devoid of any color whatsoever.

When they finally arrived at their destination, Jonas was on the verge of collapse. In spite of the heat of the day, his entire body was shivering violently, and regular coughing fits had him doubling over and gasping for air. It was only with both Ethan and Kat supporting him that he was able to keep moving over the final few yards.

The lodge turned out to be little more than a dilapidated wood shack with a stone chimney and a narrow covered porch spanning the front. But at least the chimney gave the promise of a warm fire and a hot meal.

Jeb gestured for everyone to wait before approaching the door alone. After listening for a few moments he gave a satisfied nod and called the others over.

“We’ll be on our own for a while,” he said. “I don’t think any of my clansmen will be coming this way soon.”

The inside was considerably more accommodating than the exterior suggested. Light poured in from the front windows, revealing a sturdy dining table in front of an unlit hearth. An iron stove was at the far end next to an open door that led through to a dark hallway. On the right was an open area with several comfortable looking chairs around four small, round tables. The walls were bare aside from a few bows and full quivers hanging between the two front windows.

Jeb quickly set to lighting lanterns, one of which he gave to Ethan. While checking the cupboards, he pointed to the darkened hallway. “There are beds in the back.”

Ethan helped Jonas through to the first room along. It was furnished with a small dresser and two beds set on opposite walls. Ethan took Jonas’ pack and placed it on the floor beside him while he struggled out of his clothing.

“I’ll be fine,” Jonas said as he dropped onto the bed. “Just tired…just…just need to lay here for a while.” His eyes grew heavy and within moments he slipped into unconsciousness.

Ethan pulled the blanket over the old man’s chest before returning to the others. Jeb was already getting the fire started, while Kat and Markus waited patiently at the table.

“I have some pork for tonight,” Jeb said. “But if you want meat after that, you’ll need to go hunting.” He gestured to the bows on the wall.

“We don’t intend to stay for long,” said Markus. “As soon as Jonas is able, we’ll be off.”

Jeb nodded. “I understand.

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