Into The Dragon's World - Brittany White Page 0,54

drawn from Brady to the seating area. Brady turned to see his distraction and grimaced.

“Stay away from Alix, man.”

“What?” Zack looked at him with wide, innocent eyes. “I can’t believe you’re telling me, the man who risked his life to save yours, to stay away from your sister.”

“Believe me, it’s for your own good.” Brady glanced back at Alix again. She had done some alterations to her formal tunic, lowering the neckline and cutting a high slit along the side. She knew every male eye was fixed on her, but pretended she was blissfully unaware of the stares. Alix threw her head back for a loud, tinkling laugh and baited the hook.

From the looks of it, Zack had been caught.

“Where’s my Alex?” Brady asked.

“He’s cool,” Zack said, not looking away from Alix. “He’s with your mom. Don’t worry about it.”

“Spoken like a man with no kids,” Brady muttered.

“That I know of,” Zack said with a cocky grin.

“Yeah,” Brady sighed. “You’re just the guy I want for my sister.”

Brady stood at the Arch, waiting with a pounding heart. The officiant, a short man who usually shifted into a great owl, sighed with boredom and looked half-asleep.

A flute began to sing, joined by the sounds of a lute and a drum. It was a sweet song, bright and hopeful, the song traditionally used in joining ceremonies such as theirs.

They weren’t yet technically “married.” In his world, they called permanent matings simply “joinings.” They would have another ceremony in Casey’s world for her non-shifter friends and family, but Casey insisted on honoring his family’s traditions first.

Casey stepped out of the castle and Brady caught his breath. She walked along the path covered with flowers, her gaze locked on Brady’s. Her smile looked as wondrous as his own. They were here. This was happening.

“My liege,” she said softly, with a mocking bow. Brady laughed.

“Cut it out, peasant.”

The officiant cleared his throat loudly. He knew that his presence there was mostly for traditional reasons. The couple joined themselves through their words and their kiss. All he needed to do was introduce them and prompt them at the right times.

“We come together today to celebrate the love of Casey Donahue and Prince Braydon Markonian,” he said, his voice booming. “May we all remember the love shared by every living thing.”

As the audience murmured their approval, Casey crossed her eyes slightly, making Brady laugh. She couldn’t help it. The whole ceremony seemed so serious and fancy that she couldn’t keep a straight face.

“Your vows, my Prince?” the officiant asked.

“ Prince,” Casey whispered with a smile.

“Shh…” Brady attempted to look stern but couldn’t fight his own smile. He took a deep breath and sighed, taking her hands in his. “I never thought I would ever live to see this day. It seems like a miracle to have you here with me now.”

He lifted Casey’s hands and pressed a soft kiss to her knuckles. Casey blinked away unexpected tears, a tremulous smile still on her lips.

“You are my family,” he continued, his voice growing soft. “You have given me a life I had only hoped to have. I promise I will love you with every breath I take in this world and after. I will cherish you and trust you and do everything I can to see you smile every day for the rest of our lives.”

Tears trickled over Casey’s cheeks, but she managed to maintain her composure.

“Casey?” the officiant said. “Your vows?”

Casey took a deep breath and slowly released it.

“I feel as if I have known you forever,” she said softly, gazing into Brady’s eyes. “I’m not sure how I managed to be so lucky as to have found you, but I’m grateful. I am so grateful.” She sniffed and wiped a tear away with their joined hands. Brady chuckled and she smiled again.

“You said I gave you a life you never expected, but saved me from a life I never wanted. Until I found you, I lived in a black-and-white world with no love, no laughter, no hope of happiness. Now, you have given me all that and more. I will love you for the rest of my life and beyond. You are my family, and I promise to cherish you and trust you and do everything I can to see you smile every day of our lives.”

For a moment, neither of them spoke. No one in the audience made a sound.

Until baby Alex began to squall.

Brady and Casey laughed and turned towards Elana, who was Copyright 2016 - 2024