Into The Dragon's World - Brittany White Page 0,49

me, but then I realized...I actually wanted you.” He laughed, shaking his head. “Can you believe that? I actually really wanted to fuck you.”

Casey’s stomach churned. She pressed her lips together tightly, fighting back the urge to vomit.

“And when you brought that asshole boyfriend into the picture, well…” Evan gracefully stood again. “That just made things even more interesting.”

Casey scrambled to her feet. She regretted the wall at her back now. She had nowhere to go.

“That’s right, Casey-girl. Don’t even think about trying to run.” He smiled with infuriating cockiness, almost strutting as he walked over to her. “It’s just you and me now.”

He reached out and rested his open hand on Casey’s shoulder. In an instant, it formed into the paw of a bear. She could feel the tips of his razor claws pricking through her sweatshirt, barely grazing her skin. He flexed his hand and the claws punctured flesh. Hot rivulets of blood trickled down her arm and chest.

She forced herself to have no reaction. He watched her eyes carefully, looking for that cringe of pain, that flash of fear.

“I had a lot of time to think about you,” he said quietly, his breath hot and foul in her face. “Not just what I would do to you...but what I would do to that pretty friend of yours.” His smile twisted. “Or your boyfriend.”

“Leave them alone,” Casey whispered.

Evan wrinkled up his nose and shook his head. “Nah...I don’t think I will.”

“Please…” Casey heard the desperation in her voice and hated it.

“Maybe I’ll bring you his head on a silver platter,” Evan said, stepping forward and pressing Casey against the cave wall. “Or maybe I’ll rip off his dick and make you watch me feed it to him.”


He dug his claws in just a bit deeper. Casey groaned, fighting to keep her pain hidden. Evan’s eyes shone in the torchlight. He leaned in close to her, sniffing her hair and neck and throat. She heard him growl as he pulled back to look at her again.

“A child,” he said quietly. “You’re pregnant.”

Tears burned Casey’s eyes, but she remained silent.

He sniffed her again, making his way down her body, then back up again. The claws embedded in her shoulder went deeper. He grimaced in disgust.

“You let him fuck you,” he said with deadly coldness. Evan withdrew his claws and took a step back, distaste and disgust in his eyes. “You let him fuck you!” he screamed.

Casey cringed away from him, covering her belly with folded arms. Evan stalked away from her, shifting into his bear form, roaring as he clawed and slammed his fists into the stone walls. He stopped for a moment, his back to her, panting for breath. Casey watched his bear paws flex into tight fists, his own claws tearing at his palms. For a moment, the only sound was the soft dripping of his blood onto the ground.

He turned to face her again, shifting back into his human form, smiling as if he hadn’t just lost his mind.

“Everything’s’s just a bastard, just a bastard,” he whispered, closing his eyes tightly for just a moment. When he looked at her again, his gaze was enraged but controlled. “We’ll just have to take care of that little problem later, won’t we?”

Casey knew that pleading with him for her baby’s life would be useless. He wanted to see her on her knees, begging him to spare her.

No. Never.

She spat at his feet, daring him to make his move. “Fuck you,” she said quietly, steel in her voice.

Evan chuckled. “No, dear...I think it’s the other way around.”

He slammed his fist into the side of her head, and she knew no more.



I’ve been here before...

If anyone was in this part of Central Park, they were keeping themselves well-hidden. Brady recognized the area from his last bear hunt: the Ramble. He touched down on a dirt path, instantly shifting back to his human shape. The scent of Casey was strong here, her fear overwhelming. He looked around, his dragon eyes searching for any sign of life and finding only a few rabbits, an owl, some squirrels. This was one of the most heavily wooded areas in the park. Wild and overgrown, it was dotted with hills and winding paths. It’d be very easy to get lost.

Brady turned in a half-circle. The lake was to the left of him. Had he lost the scent because of the water? There was no place Wallace could have gone.

Behind him, something growled. Brady turned to Copyright 2016 - 2024