Into The Dragon's World - Brittany White Page 0,44

I could lay an egg?”

“I assume Brady was in his human form when you two did it?”

Casey laughed again. “You assume correctly.”

“Then he was functioning as a human man, not as a dragon.” Jasmine shook her head. “Generally, if we mate in human form, we have human babies. If we mate in our shifter form, we have shifters. Sometimes, there are exceptions.” Jasmine smiled. “It can get complicated.”

“Truer words…” Casey said with a sigh. “Do you think I made a mistake leaving the apartment?”

“Do you think you made a mistake?”

“I think that if I hadn’t gotten out of there, I would have lost my mind.” Casey smiled faintly. “How terrible, being trapped in a luxury apartment with a gorgeous man.”

“There are limits to everything.” Jasmine drank some of her tea and was silent for a moment. Casey could tell that she was hesitating for a reason.

“Just say it,” Casey said and smiled, curling her legs beneath her. “Spit it out already.”

Jasmine leaned forward to set her cup on the coffee table, then sat back and fixed Casey with a formidable look.

“Do you love him?” she asked.

“Yes.” Casey didn’t have to think about her answer. “I do.”

“What about him?” Jasmine asked quietly. “How does he feel?”

Casey shrugged. “I don’t know if it’s love, but—”

“But you’ve got a baby coming.” Jasmine took a deep breath and sighed. “Case, you know I love Brady like a brother, but I will kick his ass if he hurts you.”

“You’d have to wait your turn,” Casey said, smiling faintly. “Everything just feels insane right now.”

“Case...” Jasmine’s voice was soft. She leaned forward and took Casey’s hand. “Are you happy with Brady?”

Casey nodded. “I am. I really am.”

“Then try not to torture yourself with the whole ‘he loves me, he loves me not’ game.” Jasmine’s smile widened. “It will work out. I know it will.”

Casey’s hand unconsciously went to her belly again. She still hadn’t fully grasped the enormity of it all. She was going to have a baby. Brady’s child. They were going to be parents. She was going to be...a mom.

Jasmine must have seen the sudden panic in Casey’s eyes. She gave her hand a quick squeeze.

“So, now you’ve got to tell me,” Jasmine said with a grin. “What’s the boss man like in bed?”

Casey was just entering Brady’s building when she saw him.

It was Evan Wallace. No doubt. He stood across the street, arms folded over his chest, a stern scowl on his face. And he was watching her. He wore the same ratty clothing he had worn the night he confronted them under the streetlamp.

Casey froze, a shiver going through her when she met his gaze. Even at a distance, she could see the rage in his eyes, feel the hate radiating from him. He’d finally realized that he couldn’t have her.

So, what does that mean now? Casey wondered.

It means I’ll have to take you.

He slowly smiled as his voice whispered through her mind, his fanged teeth yellowed and sharp.

Her nerve suddenly breaking, Casey hurried inside the building. It felt like forever before she could lock the door behind her.



Casey felt a strange rumble in her belly. As she watched, it bloated to the size of a beach ball. She could feel her skin stretching, ripping, as something moved just beneath the surface. She pressed both hands against her stomach and felt a pulsing heartbeat. She screamed as her stomach split open and a small, clawed hand grasped at the air…


She opened her eyes to find Brady sitting on the edge of the bed, leaning over her, his eyes dark with concern. It took Casey a moment to realize she had been dreaming. She touched her belly through the thin cotton of the t-shirt she’d borrowed from Brady. Still flat.

“Are you okay?” he asked, brushing her hair away from her face. “What happened?”

Casey managed a smile. “Just a bad dream.”

Brady leaned forward and softly kissed her forehead, then her lips. It would have been so easy to tell him everything in that moment. All she had to say were a few words and then she’d know, one way or another, how he felt.

But she couldn’t. Not yet.

“So, what did you do today?” Brady stretched out beside her, propping his head up with his fist. He idly stroked her stomach as he smiled.

Casey returned the smile, but felt a little sick. She had to tell him about Evan. She took a deep breath. Here goes.

“I went to Jasmine’s today,” she said quietly. “And I Copyright 2016 - 2024