Into The Dragon's World - Brittany White Page 0,41

his chin and imitated a Harvard underbite. “You only wear the Hope Diamond to charity events, not dinner, darling.”

Casey laughed loudly, and all over the room, conversations stopped, forks clinked heavily against pricy china, and everyone turned to look at her. She cheerily waved at them, getting cocked brows and frowns for her efforts.

“I think we need to get out of here,” Brady whispered. He slapped two hundred-dollar bills on the table and took her hand. “Let’s make a run for it.”

An hour later, they sat together on a park bench, eating hot dogs under the glow of a sodium lamp.

“Much better,” Casey said as she finished her hot dog. “Lovely restaurant, by the way.”

“I hear it’s where the elite meet to eat.” Brady grinned and quietly studied her for a moment. “I guess you can tell that I don’t do well in fancy situations.”

“Neither do I.” Casey glanced down at herself. A blob of mustard had fallen onto the bodice of her dress. “The last time I got so dressed up was my prom.”

Brady laughed and Casey scooted closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder as he settled his arm around her. The night was warm, but there was a coolness to the breeze that reminded them that winter was coming soon.

It was the perfect moment.

“Casey, I…” Brady trailed off as he saw the look of absolute disgust on Casey’s face. He turned to see what she was looking at and his words died in his throat.

Evan Wallace. Standing just under the next streetlamp over. His clothes were filthy, and he looked as if he’d been sleeping on the street for weeks, but the smug smile on his face was unmistakable.

“Brady, no.” Casey held his arm tightly. “Not here.”

Brady felt hot rage creeping up into his chest—the dragon’s need to breathe fire and destroy the enemy. It would be so easy to just end it right now. He would learn to live with the guilt on his conscience if it meant that Casey could be safe again.

Wallace raised a hand and waved. His voice whispered in Brady’s mind, and from the look on her face, Casey’s, too.

Don’t have too much fun with her, pretty boy.

I’ll see you soon.



“I thought he was gone,” Brady said in a tight voice. He paced the floor of his apartment, tie loose and shirt collar unbuttoned. “You said he was gone!”

“I said I thought he was gone,” Zack said quietly, not rising to Brady’s anger. “I also said he could have just gone to ground.”

Casey curled up in the corner of the couch. She had changed clothes the moment they got back, trading her heels and sleek dress for fuzzy slippers and oversized pajamas. She had never seen Brady so angry before. He’d called Zack before they even left the park bench. She had wanted to call the cops, but he reminded her: shifters take care of their own.

“What can we do now?” Casey asked calmly.

“There’s not much we can do. Unless he does something first.” Zack glanced uncomfortably at Brady, then Casey. “Right now, we’ve got nothing to arrest him on.”

“Bullshit!” Brady barked, driving his hand through his hair as he continued pacing. “He was right there, Zack. Right there! I could have ended all this tonight.”

“Yeah,” Zack said mildly. “And you’d be in jail because it would look like you jumped some innocent homeless guy.”

“Maybe that’s what he wanted,” Casey said. Brady and Zack both looked at her, waiting. “Maybe he wanted to trap you into doing something so I would be left alone.”

“That sounds about right,” Brady said sourly.

“He’ll fuck up eventually,” Zack said. “From what you’ve told me, he’s too cocky not to mess up before too long.”

Brady kept his back to them, leaning stiff-armed against the mantle of the fireplace. He lowered his head for a moment. Casey could feel the rage pouring off him. And she knew what was fueling it.

“Thanks for coming over, Zack,” she said as she rose from the couch. “I’ll...take it from here.”

“Sure thing. Anytime.” Zack strolled over to the door, waiting for Casey to undo the many locks. Out of Brady’s earshot, he leaned forward and spoke softly. “Call me if you need anything, okay? Day or night.”

Casey nodded and managed a smile. “Thank you, Zack.”

“Don’t mention it.” Zack grinned again as he walked out the door.

Casey immediately relocked all of the locks. She turned to Brady, still leaning against the mantle. Silently, she went to him and wrapped her arms Copyright 2016 - 2024