Into The Dragon's World - Brittany White Page 0,17

meet Brady’s eyes again. He smiled, saying nothing as he maneuvered himself beside her on the couch. It was wide enough for them to lie comfortably on their sides and he held her from behind, cushioning her head with one arm as he wrapped the other around her waist. He pressed soft kisses along her shoulder and neck.

Casey closed her eyes, suddenly exhausted. Months of sleepless nights caught up with her as Brady held her in his arms. For the first time in a long time, she felt no fear.

She felt safe.



“You look happy,” Jasmine said and set her tray on the bar. “I take it your day with the boss went well?”

Casey could feel her cheeks pinkening as she took the used glasses off the tray. “It was okay,” she said and smiled.

“Just okay?” Jasmine leaned forward and peered at Casey’s face. “Is that beard burn I detect on those blushing cheeks?”

“Shhh!” Casey awkwardly looked around. “We got...acquainted...”

“And that’s code for?”

“It’s code for ‘I don’t kiss and tell.’” The memory of the afternoon brought a smile. “He’s a really good kisser, though.”

“So I’ve heard.” Jasmine arched an eyebrow and looked over to the seating area. Brady was talking to someone, his arms folded over his chest as he laughed. “Congratulations. He’s a tough one to get close to.”

“What do you mean?”

“I guess you two haven’t had a chance to talk about Savannah yet, huh?”

Casey’s smile instantly faded. “Savannah?”

“He was with her years ago.” Jasmine shook her head slightly. “She died in a car accident. It took Brady a long time to get over it. If he’s over it.”

Casey’s heart plummeted. If he’s over it?

“How serious were they?” Casey asked.

“Everyone thought they were going to get married. I think they were engaged.” Jasmine lowered her voice. “He mourned her for months. Blamed himself, I think.”

“Oh, my God…” Casey shook her head and looked out into the crowd again. “I had no idea.”

“I just know that I have never seen him interested in another woman.” Jasmine smiled slyly. “Until you came along.”

Casey studied Brady as he talked to one of the customers. He had changed into a blue chambray shirt over a black Henley sweater. Running a hand through his tousled hair, he laughed at something his friend said and met Casey’s gaze as his laugh faded. He smiled at her, his eyes softening, and Casey’s heart fluttered again.

“Why did he blame himself?” Casey asked, tearing her gaze away from Brady’s.

“He told me once that there was a moment when he thought he could save her.” Jasmine sighed sadly. “The accident happened so fast. Brady pulled her out of the car and tried to keep her alive, but she was too far gone.”

“That’s awful,” Casey said quietly.

“He’s the best guy you’ll ever meet, but he’s got some baggage to deal with.” Jasmine looked over the crowd and saw a man at a table gesturing to her. “Gotta go for now. We’ll definitely talk more about that ‘stache rash’ later.”

Jasmine made her way through the club floor as Casey sighed and gave the bar top a half-hearted swipe with a rag. She glanced back at Brady and saw that he was deep in conversation.

Maybe making love to him had been a mistake, she thought, and forced herself to look away. She went to the sink and washed the glasses that Jasmine had dropped off. Think about it. The guy was a literal prince. He could turn himself into a dragon. His one great love in life was a woman named Savannah who he still mourned. What on earth did she have to offer a man like that?

She could still feel the heat of his hands as they roamed over her body. Being close to him was like being near a cozy fire. Not hot, but just warm enough. He seemed to enjoy being with her, but…

She sighed to herself. There was always a ‘but.’

But she was just a graduate student drowning in debt. She lived a boring, unassuming life and had her future planned out almost to the day. After she got her PhD, she would spend two years earning her license to practice therapy. Then, she would set up a practice somewhere that was not New York and work with kids or abused women or whoever else might need her. She’d work, pay off her student loans, and every day would pass with a comforting sameness.

One thing she wouldn’t plan for was a relationship. Her college boyfriend had used her, and Copyright 2016 - 2024