Into The Dragon's World - Brittany White Page 0,13

pulling her even closer until her breasts flattened against his chest. His lips parted and she felt the heat of his tongue urging her to open to him, to deepen the kiss. His hands cupped her buttocks and lifted her higher and closer, and Casey felt as if she were melting against him.

She felt her hunger for him mirrored in his embrace. The heat of his body engulfed hers, the strength of his arms cradled her tightly. Their tongues touched, dancing effortlessly as he tilted his head and deepened the kiss. Casey gave in to him, surrendering herself to the feel of his hands roaming over her back and down to her buttocks, tracing his heat over her body.

Casey knew that if she didn’t stop now, she might never be able to.

She pulled back slightly. He was as breathless as she was, his eyes heavy lidded and still hungry. Casey framed his face with her hands, resisting the urge to go back to those parted, soft lips.

“Thank you,” she said in a soft sigh.

“For what? That?” His smile curled devilishly. “It was my pleasure entirely.”

Oh, God…I want to kiss him again, she thought. Instead, she made herself lower her hands and take a step away from his embrace. She immediately felt cold as she lost the warmth of his body.

“Thank you for trusting me with this.”

Brady closed the distance between them. This time he cradled her face in his hands, tipping it up to look at him. She gazed into those deep amber eyes, wishing she could read his feelings. She wasn’t optimistic enough to think that he felt the same way for her as she felt for him, but there was a spark there, a low fire that could grow into an inferno.

“You’re very welcome,” he said as he gently kissed her forehead. He pulled away slightly to look into her eyes again. Casey wanted to say something flippant, something that would defuse the potency of the moment, but she could not form the words.

Instead, she shocked herself by softly saying, “I want you.”

And he shocked her even more by smiling and leaning close to whisper in her ear, “I want you, too. Now, what are we going to do about it?”



His whisper hung in the air between them.

Casey felt her breath quickening, her heartbeat steadily increasing. The way he was looking at her he needed her like he needed air.

“I don’t know…” she said softly. “What do you want to do?”

Brady slipped one arm around her waist and touched the side of her face with his other hand, drawing his fingertips lower, tracing the curve of her neck, the roundness of her shoulder. His gaze never faltered from hers.

“I want to touch you here,” he said and cupped her breast, pressing the ball of his thumb against her nipple for a too-quick moment. Casey shivered and he smiled faintly.

“And I want to touch you here…” He slid both hands down to her ass, pulling her even closer to him. Casey could feel his hardness pressing against her lower belly.

Brady leaned forward until his mouth was close to her ear. His breath was hot, and the feel of it burned away any uncertainties she might have had.

“And I want to put my mouth on you…” he whispered, sliding one hand around her hip and slipping it into the cleft between her legs. “Here…”

Casey’s legs were suddenly weak. Even through the denim of her jeans, she could feel the warmth of his hand, the insistent pressure of his fingers against her core. She leaned against him, for a moment unable to do anything but rock against his hand, wanting more, frustrated by the barrier between his hand and her pussy.

“But...” he said quietly, lifting her chin and smiling down into her eyes. “Not yet.”

The club hadn’t opened for the night yet; the floor was quiet and empty as Brady led Casey by the hand up the stairs and into his office. The few minutes that she was out of his embrace felt like centuries. All she could think of was the length of steel that had pressed against her belly, the heat of want in his eyes.

He opened his office door with trembling hands and stepped away to allow Casey to step inside. He closed the door heavily, locking it, and then turned back to look at her again. She felt almost like a deer in headlights, pinned to the spot.

He slowly went to each window, lowering the blinds, Copyright 2016 - 2024