Dragon's Second Chance Romance - Riley Storm Page 0,50

because it’s the truth, doesn’t mean they talk about it. Not until they’re sure. Because they don’t want to scare anyone off with the knowledge. Which is why I don’t even know if I should be telling you. But you’re my BFF, so, whatever.”

Claire smiled. “I appreciate it. But why would monogamy scare me off?”

“I’m not doing a good enough job of explaining this,” Lilly said. “They only fall in love once. Ever. Dragons’ love is for life. It’s not like human definition of the word soulmate. It’s a literal thing with them. They mate once, for life.”

Claire sucked in a sharp breath. “Oh. Oh,” she repeated as the implications of that slid home. “No wonder he doesn’t wanna talk about it. That would scare a lot of women off.”

“Especially one dealing with all sorts of fallout from her ex, while being wooed by someone that’s definitely not her normal type.”

“Can I tell you something?” Claire said.

“Of course,” Lilly replied, frowning as if it was a silly question.

“I kind of like that he’s not my normal type,” Claire confessed, the words feeling almost cathartic to finally say out loud. “It’s different, don’t get me wrong, but there’s something…better, about it. About him. I don’t know how to phrase it.”

“Wow, that’s surprising,” Lilly said.

“What is?”

Lilly’s face was calm, composed as she stared at her friend. “You. Acting like a mature adult about boys.”

Claire’s mouth dropped open. “Oh no, you did not just say that!”

Lilly dissolved into laughter, and a moment later Claire was leaning over the counter as well.

“It’s about time, isn’t it?” she said once she could breathe again, swiping away at tears in the corners of her eyes.

“Yeah, it is,” Lilly said.

Claire smiled, but inside, her heart was thundering still, though she was no longer laughing.

Did Pietro already expect her to be with him for the rest of her life? Did he think she was his mate? Or was she just some fun to pass the time?

And if she was his mate…how did Claire feel about that? What if she wanted to choose otherwise?

What would happen then?

Chapter Twenty-Eight


The wind was blowing steadily, a warm breeze that lifted her hair and made it bouncy but didn’t whip it around into her face. She spread her arms wide for a moment, taking in the warmth of the summer morning, enjoying the feeling of the heat on her face.

The sun was up in the sky, and warmth was slowly beginning to join it, washing away the coolness that came with every mountain night. It was a fresh morning, and Claire had a skip in her step to match.

Claire was feeling like a new woman. She’d rid herself of the worst of her past and was now making amends for what she’d done. It was behind her, and that was an amazing feeling in itself. When it was accompanied with the joy in her heart—that maybe for once in her life, she’d found a good guy, one whom she liked, who treated her right—it just made the day worth living to the fullest.

She was far from decided on Pietro, especially after what Lilly had told her regarding dragons and mates. That was something she still wasn’t sure about but, for now at least, nobody was forcing her to make a decision. Nobody was telling her what she had to do. Pietro was simply trying to win her over the old fashioned way.

By being really awesome. He didn’t force her into anything, didn’t push her to get more serious. They were just having fun, and she cherished that. Fun was something Claire sorely needed.

Sure, he was still overprotective when the sun was down, wanting to do his best to ensure she was inside, behind a strong threshold that would keep the vampires out. She didn’t blame him for that. After all, he felt somewhat responsible. After the other night, Claire wanted to feel safe too.

But right now she was free. The sun was up and shining, the strength of its ultraviolet rays an anathema to vampires, according to Pietro, or Ro, as she’d affectionately begun to call him after using the nickname for the first time with Lilly. He hadn’t resisted. In fact, she thought he was secretly enamored with it.

“Morning,” she said brightly as she passed an elderly couple in the park, on her way to Gayle’s house.

Claire and Gayle were carpooling. Pietro’s truck was still being repaired after the vamps had done a number on it, so she’d lent him her car

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