Dragon's Mate (DragonFate #4) - Deborah Cooke Page 0,102

failed them, and vowed silently to do better.

Edred then explained that four of the brothers had been captured by Fae warriors armed with shining weapons, but Rania knew there had only been three in the cage in Fae.

They discussed this but each was adamant and the conclusion was inevitable: one brother was missing.

Edred admitted that their youngest brother, Trymman, had been injured in the Fae attack. No one wanted to mention the possibility of his death but Rania knew they were all thinking about it. One of the brothers noted that Trymman had a tendency to wander away but had always shown up again.

Then Edred asked about the strange light of the firestorm. Rania explained and her brothers walked around the Pyr, looking him up and down. They were surprisingly regal and not a little judgmental.

Hadrian met her gaze and raised his brows. “Do I pass?” he asked, obviously understanding what was happening and so confident in the result that Rania was amused. She flapped a wing at him and he laughed, a wonderful rich sound that lifted her heart.

“It should be an exchange,” Edred said. “In a union, it’s better if each party benefits.”

“Invading Fae will be dangerous,” Cnut, the second oldest brother agreed. “If you each give, you should each get.”

“Being partners will improve your chances of success, too,” Edred continued.

“You think I should satisfy this firestorm, in exchange for his help in freeing our brothers.”

Edred and the other swans bowed their heads in agreement. “It’s only fair, and if you’re his destined mate as he claims, then it’s right, too.” He tilted his head. “What do you think?”

“I think I could love him,” Rania admitted, only knowing it was true as she said it. “He’s strong and kind, and his heart is noble. I like him and I trust him.” She swallowed at the power of her realization. “I want to make the world a safer place for both of us and our respective kinds.”

“You’re ambitious, little sister, to take on the Dark Queen,” Edred said. “But we agree with you. Sometimes, the hard choice is the only one that’s right. We’ll help you however we can.” He stepped back and trumpeted a cry, flapping his wings as the barrier between Rania and Hadrian was removed. She thought of him striking down his father over his mother’s murder and knew he understood about hard choices for justice.

“Is that a yes?” Hadrian asked, looking as dangerous as a dragon shifter should.

Rania nodded, then Cnut whispered to her. “You are a swan, little sister. Although we’re only cursed to live as swans, we all know how they formalize their bonds.”

“Swans mate for life,” Edred said. “Their bond is as permanent as human marriage should be. It’s a commitment and one that should be celebrated here and now, with your family as witness.”

“Dance for us,” Cnut admitted and Rania knew they expected the courtship dance that swans performed before mating.

She shifted shape and went to take Hadrian’s hand. First he had to meet her brothers. “This is Edred, my oldest brother.”

“And the one who struck the fatal blow,” Hadrian said, then his tone turned resolute. “I like that he exacted justice for your mother’s death.” He nodded at Edred and the pair seemed to understand each other.

Rania gestured to the birds on either side of Edred, first the left one, then the right. “That’s Cnut and Oswy, the second and third sons.”

Each swan bowed his head as he was named and Hadrian bowed in return. Rania felt like they were at a formal party, or a ball, where each attendee was announced and honored.

“Betlic, Athelstan, Sherard, Willan, and Gimm,” Rania said, gesturing to each swan in turn. “It’s Modig, Isen, Deman, and Trymman who were captured by Maeve.”

Hadrian nodded understanding after he had bowed to each swan.

“But I only saw three,” she whispered, seeing the concern appear in his gaze as she confided in him. “I’m hoping Trymman is there. He was injured in the attack and is missing.” Hadrian’s lips thinned. “They said he vanishes sometimes but always returns.”

Hadrian squeezed her hand. “Then we’ll hope for the best until we know otherwise.”

Rania held tightly to his hand as she turned back to Edred and raised her voice slightly. “My brothers, this is Hadrian, the Pyr dragon shifter who says he’s my destined mate.”

“I am your destined mate and you’re mine,” Hadrian said. He lifted their linked hands, showing the white light that burned between the two of them. Its

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