Dragon's Fake Wedding Date - Riley Storm Page 0,73

You know why?”

“Why?” she asked nervously.

“Because, Gayle,” he said, looking her straight in the eye, his green orbs full of serene calm and belief. “I love you.”

She physically shivered as he spoke the words.

“I love you too,” she repeated and jerked in surprise to hear herself say that.

Rann frowned. “Are you serious?”

Gayle looked down. She’d not meant to say that…had she? It was too soon wasn’t it? They’d only met two weeks ago. She couldn’t possibly be in love with him. And yet…

Her heart beat happily, and her soul felt…full.

“I love you, Rann Atrox,” she repeated, the words coming easy this time. “This is insane! I only just met you. But I do…I really do.”

Rann spun her around happily. “You are my world, and I know this is quick, but I couldn’t imagine being in the fast lane with anyone but you.”

“This was the worst possible time for life to send me someone new,” she said, voicing her thoughts out loud. “And yet, fate seems to have sent me just what I needed most, when I was at my lowest.”

It was true. Rann was her support, her strength. He was someone who wanted the best for her, and wanted her, regardless of everything. He’d been there as a friend, as a lover, and as a confidant. Someone she could turn to, to talk about quitting her job or to hold her when she was scared.

She loved him.

Gayle didn’t have any doubts about him, about them.

Not anymore.

Chapter Thirty-Eight


A week later, and nothing had changed.

She was still floating on cloud nine, incredibly in love and happy with the world. Everything was going perfectly.

For me at least.

Not that Gayle cared all that much, but there was a tiny part of her that still wished happiness to Karen and Mikey. She didn’t indulge it much but assumed it was the part of her that claimed to generally be a ‘decent human being’.

In the aftermath of the attack on the church, the wedding had been postponed. Mikey had gone to the hospital with a broken jaw but was otherwise okay. Karen, as far as Gayle knew, was fine. Though she wasn’t making any real inquiries into her former friend’s life.

Why should she, after all, when the woman clearly didn’t care about Gayle. It was just easier to go their separate directions, to do their own thing, and let life go on. Gayle harbored no ill will. How could she, when everything that the pair had done to her had led her to find Rann. If anything, she should thank them, but Gayle wasn’t that mature. Or immature. She still couldn’t quite figure out which term applied.

She’d been staying with Rann in town ever since the incident. That, she supposed, was a change, but it was a positive one, for the most part. Life with Rann was grand. She just loved being around him, being near him, and having him in her life. He treated her fantastically, and she doubted she’d ever been happier.

It was different, being mated to a dragon.

Even that term was something she was still coming to grips with. A mate. It wasn’t something humans usually used to describe their significant others, and yet with Rann it fit perfectly. It just felt right to call him that. Not that she had issues if other people called him her boyfriend, but he was so much more than that.

Husband would be a closer term, but they weren’t married, so it didn’t apply. Besides, she liked the word mate. It had a completely different ring to it than husband did.

She had to be wary now, and her nights were spent in. The vampires were aware of her and who she was, and until Rann’s team tracked down the remaining ones and purged them from the earth, it wouldn’t be completely safe for her to be out at night.

In a few more days, they were going to move up the mountain for the foreseeable future. Up there in the Atrox clan compound, she would be safe. The stronghold of his clan was impenetrable to the vampires, and she could enjoy the night sky once more.

They just had to finish packing up some of the stuff she would be moving in with her, and then they could go.

Until then, however, they had to eat, and that’s where she was off to. Rann ate way more food than any human she’d ever encountered, and it was almost a chore to keep them stocked with food. Almost.

She walked into the

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