Dragon's Fake Wedding Date - Riley Storm Page 0,53

Rann’s face. He was close too. On the edge. She felt him swell inside of her.

“Don’t stop,” she hissed. “It’s okay. Just fuck me hard, Rann. Please.”

The last word sent him over the edge. He roared, calling out her name as he exploded inside her. Warmth filled Gayle, and she shivered then jerked and writhed so hard that Rann was forced to clamp down on her until she could feel a soft bite of pain from his grip.

They rode their orgasms to completion and then some. Rann took a long time to finish completely. When he did, he casually pushed her back into the center of the bed, once more impressing her with his strength, and then he draped himself over her. He supported most of his weight, but enough of it pressed down onto Gayle to cocoon her in it, and she sighed, sagging into a puddle, unable to move and uninterested in doing so.

“I hope you’re less stressed now,” he rumbled in her ear once his breathing had recovered.

“Who said anything about me being stressed?”

He snorted, effectively calling her out, and Gayle laughed. “Okay, fine. But yes, for your information, I am much less stressed.”

“Good,” he growled. “Me too.”

“Good,” she echoed.

They both fell silent, neither having any more words to say. There was something simply comforting about his presence that made Gayle feel like speech was unnecessary.

She liked his presence. Liked having him around.

Her life would have been very different if the wild fears that had been in her mind while he was out with his team had come to pass. If Rann had never come back…

Gayle shook her head. She didn’t want to go down that path. Rann was back, and she was coming to realize that she preferred it that way. Preferred him in her life.

It scared her to admit that, scared her a lot, but not as much as the thought of being without him did.

So, where do we go from here?

The future was open, and Gayle was terrified of it. Things were happening fast.

Too fast? She wasn’t sure.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


She stifled another yawn as a fresh gust of mountain breeze washed over her as she wandered the Atrox compound.

The fresh air helped awaken her, pleasantly tightening the skin on her face ever so slightly. Inhaling deeply, Gayle enjoyed the smell of nature. Pine trees, clear air, and nothing else. It truly was cleansing for the soul.

Some more sleep would help.

After waiting restlessly for Rann to return home, then expending even more energy in each other’s embrace before finally getting to sleep, Gayle was running on empty. She’d slept in until mid-morning, but it didn’t matter. It was going to take a solid night’s worth of sleep for her to feel refreshed.

Thankfully, she didn’t have to worry about Rann leaving her again tonight. She’d made him promise that he was all hers. Or more correctly, she was his. He had every intent on cashing in on that, and truth be told, she was feeling more okay with it by the hour.

What she was not okay with was the concept of watching his next fight.

That morning, before he’d taken off to handle some clan business related to the failed attempt to find the vampires the night before, he’d asked if she would come watch. At a loss for what to say, Gayle had agreed.

I really don’t want to go watch him get hurt, she thought to herself, but she’d not been able to find a way to say no. Especially since Rann really wanted her to be there.

So she had promised, and Gayle wasn’t about to go back on that.

She finished her walk along the hillside and headed back up toward the little cabin that was Rann’s. The fight was due to start in half an hour or so, and she wanted to get ready and be on time. The inside of the cave was still a maze to her, and though he’d left her directions, Gayle was still a bit nervous of finding her way on time.

As she climbed the gentle incline, she smiled at the other people out and about on the beautiful Wednesday morning. Normally, she’d be at work now, slaving away in her cubicle, but she’d called in sick that morning, and her boss hadn’t put up any resistance.

Clearly, they were ready for her to be gone as well.

Although she was trying to be polite, Gayle felt a frown start to grow between her eyebrows. She smiled and waved at anyone she saw,

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