Dragon's Fake Wedding Date - Riley Storm Page 0,20

feel about Claire’s idea. It appealed to him on one level, but he didn’t know if Gayle going to their wedding was a good thing overall.

“If she’s trying to replace you,” Claire said. “Then go and show her that you don’t care. That you’ve already replaced him, and that you have something she can’t have.”

“But I haven’t replaced him,” Gayle said.

“She doesn’t know that,” Claire countered. “Just go show them that you don’t care.”

“But I do care,” Gayle pointed out.

Claire nodded. “I know, dear. Because you’re a decent human being, unlike these two scumbags. Go have some fun at their expense, though, and act like you don’t. Rann will go with you.”

Rann blinked. “I will?”

“Yes,” Claire ground out. “You will. You will show up in a suit and escort her there. You will dance with her, and you will make sure she has a good time. Or are you going to let the bullies win?”

As much as Rann hated being put on the spot, he was forced to admit Claire had used the one card against him that might work. He hated bullies. Hated those who tried to push others around just to get what they wanted.

And that was exactly what Michael and Karen were doing to Gayle.

His dragon roared. It wanted nothing more than to protect Gayle and to ensure nobody treated her badly.

“Fine,” he said reluctantly. “I’ll do it. I’ll take you.”

Gayle’s head bounced from side to side. “I don’t know, guys.”

“Don’t let them get the better of you,” Claire said tightly.

Gayle bit her top lip nervously, but she started to nod. “Okay. You know what, screw it. I will go to the stupid wedding. I will have the time of my life, and so what if they hurt me? I am not gonna let it get to me.”

Before Rann could say anything more, Gayle pulled out her phone and filled in the RSVP form.

“See you next week,” she said. “No going back now.”

Rann opened his mouth to say something, but someone else poked their head out from inside the huge canvas tent.

“Hey! You. Get to work unloading that truck. We need the supplies unpacked!”

“Crap,” Gayle said. “That’s our supervisor. Um, sorry. I have to go.”

Claire was already hurrying back inside, Gayle following her.

“Hey, Gayle,” he called.

She turned back to face him, standing in the tent opening. “Yes?”

“We still on for Monday?”

She paused, reaching up to run a hand through her crimson hair while her face flushed a similar color.

Rann’s heart skipped several beats as he watched. She was so beautiful…


Then, she was gone, fleeing back inside, leaving Rann to start unloading. He smiled after her.

I’ll protect you, he vowed to himself as he flicked up the latch on the truck and let the door slide up.

From being hurt at the wedding or anything else. I might have failed that woman the vampires got, but I swear Gayle, I will not fail you.

His dragon trumpeted its agreement with a fervor and intensity that surprised Rann.

Now what does that mean?

Chapter Eleven


Her birthday party was a whole lot different than she’d expected it to be for a Saturday night get-together.

“I’m glad you still decided to have us over.”

Gayle looked over at the blue-eyed brunette seated next to her in the middle section of the couch. They were all in her living room, and while it was crowded, they all fit.

It would be a lot easier if all the bloody men my friends seem to find weren’t well over six feet and packed with muscle.

“Thanks, Kristin,” she said.

Kristin Glenn was one of her oldest friends, and the two had been through a lot together. Gayle had even been present the night at the bar that they’d made her go talk to her man, Blede, for the first time. Now that had been a night!

“No, I mean it. This can’t be easy for you,” Kristin said, blue eyes flashing with compassion. “But we’re here for you, okay? Most of us aren’t like that.”

“I know,” Gayle said, meaning it.

Everyone in the room had denounced what Karen and Mikey had done, and there was a slight vindictive nature to the glee that Gayle felt, knowing that many of them would also be ending their friendships with Karen.

The bitch deserves it.

Still, as she looked around the room, Gayle felt a wave of sadness threaten to rise up and crash over her again. Everyone looked so happy.

Kristin and Blede were a fantastic couple, of course. They practically radiated love, much like Claire and Ro, Lilly and

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