The Dragon Realm (Dark World The Dragon Twins #2) - Michelle Madow Page 0,46

like to go to the restaurant for lunch while I unpack for you?”

“We’ll unpack ourselves,” Bella said. “And we’ll be taking all of our meals in the room.”

Kent looked taken aback, but he quickly masked his reaction. “As you wish,” he said. “If you decide to check out the restaurant, it’s in the aft of deck four.”

“Thank you,” Bella said, and it was clear from her tone that we were not going to check out the restaurant.

The fewer people we interacted with, the better. Which meant it would likely be the four of us, inside the cabin, ordering room service until the dragon heart told Ethan that we were close enough to jump ship.

Kent left the room, and I turned to Mira. “What’s the Drake Passage?” I asked.

“It’s the passage between the southern tip of South American and the Antarctic Peninsula. It’s one of the roughest seas in the world,” she said casually. “The Atlantic, Pacific, and Southern Oceans all meet in the Drake Passage. Throw a storm into the mix, and we’ll get to experience the famous Drake Shake.”

“Drake Shake?” I wrapped my arms around my stomach, baffled by how she sounded excited for this experience.

She glanced at the table and chairs. “It’s why those are bolted to the floor,” she said. “The ship will be rocking!”

“I figured,” I grumbled, then I turned to Bella. “Maybe I should get that seasickness patch. I can’t imagine any of its side effects being worse than being motion sick.”

“Blurred vision?” She raised an eyebrow, and I sighed, since she was right—if we ended up having to use our magic, blurred vision would be worse than having my stomach all jumbled up.

“Time to unpack,” she said. “I’m taking the master bedroom. Gemma and Mira, you get the other. Ethan, you’ll be taking the couch. It’s one of those that turns into a bed.”

“Why don’t Ethan and I take the second bedroom,” Mira said. “You and Gemma can take the master.”

“I’ll be taking the couch,” Ethan said, and Mira frowned, like she’d been punched. “It’s in the center of the suite—the best place I can be to make sure everyone’s safe.”

“Makes sense,” I said, even though I was actually just happy that Ethan wasn’t jumping on the chance to share a bed with Mira.

“Then Gemma and I are in the master bedroom,” Mira said to Bella. “There’s one of you, and two of us. It’s only fair.”

“Deal,” Bella said, and I was surprised—I’d thought she’d fight Mira more on it. “Also, no one touches that champagne. We’re here on a mission, which means we have to be on alert at all times. We can’t afford to be inebriated.”

“My thoughts exactly,” Ethan agreed.

Mira frowned again. “You all are no fun.”

“I’m loads of fun,” Bella said with a wicked smile. “I’m also alive. And I intend to keep the three of you that way, too. So let’s unpack, and then, let’s practice some magic.”



The Drake Passage was worse than I’d expected. On the first night at sea, the ship rocked so much that it tossed me out of bed. I was so sick that I would have had to stay in the room whether Bella was letting us leave or not.

Not even Mira could go out on the balcony to “enjoy the Drake,” as she’d crazily said. The captain had forbidden anyone to step out on deck, and even she was worried she’d fall overboard. And Mira’s water magic was strong, but strong enough to save her from the angry, eight-meter tall waves? She might have been able to do it, but it wasn’t something any of us wanted to risk.

At least my twin hadn’t gotten sick. She was the only one of the four of us who hadn’t. At one point, Bella had even moaned about wishing we were able to use the seasickness patch.

She and I both. Although the sea was so rocky that I doubted the patch would have made a difference.

It took two ridiculously long days to cross the Drake. I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t drink, and of course, I couldn’t read. The only thing I could do was lay in bed and watch television.

Bella didn’t have a key to the Library, so from her perspective, we were stuck on the ship, since witches couldn’t teleport on board a ship. The place they were going had to be fixed in one spot. Try to teleport onto a moving ship, and you’d end up in the middle of the ocean.

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