The Dragon Realm (Dark World The Dragon Twins #2) - Michelle Madow Page 0,32

was part of our training. So I said my goodbyes and teleported out of the Haven, ready for whatever adventure awaited me next.

As promised, a witch waited for me outside the Vale.

Even though I’d been there before, the snowy kingdom built into the enormous mountain stunned me with its beauty. It was a winter wonderland that belonged in a giant snow globe.

“Come with me.” The witch didn’t bother with an introduction before teleporting me to the throne room inside the kingdom.

King Alexander—a pale skinned, dark-haired vampire—sat on the tallest throne. He looked intimidating, but then he smiled, and his smile was so warm and welcoming that it immediately put me at ease. His wife, Queen Deidre, sat on the throne next to his. They both wore formalwear and had golden crowns upon their heads.

A vampire with warm brown skin, dark hair, and bright blue eyes stood next to the king. He wore jeans and a button-down shirt, and he was startlingly attractive. He could have easily passed as a Bollywood movie star.

Who is he…?

“Harper,” King Alexander said, and I turned my focus back to him. “Welcome to the Vale. Although, from your letter, it sounds like you won’t be here for long.”

“I’ve come to enter the Angel Trials,” I said proudly.

“I’m sure the Earth Angel will be delighted to have you on Avalon.”

As King Alexander spoke, my eyes strayed to the bright blue ones of the vampire next to him.

The corner of his lips turned up in a devious smile, and I lowered my gaze as heat flooded my cheeks.

Why was he watching me like I amused him so much?

“Harper.” Queen Deidre snapped me back to attention. “Might I introduce you to our brother, Prince Rohan?” She motioned to the blue-eyed vampire, who still watched me with amusement. “He’ll be escorting you to the location where you’ll begin the Angel Trials.”

“Your Highness,” I said with a polite nod.

“Call me Rohan.” His voice was smooth, like silk.

I was so hypnotized by everything about him that I nearly forgot to smile.

Come on, Harper, I told myself, shaking myself out of it. You never get this worked up about a man. Especially one you’re never going to see again.

To make it worse, he was a vampire.

In Utopia, we were taught that male supernaturals were naturally power hungry—that they weren’t to be trusted. We were supposed to be repulsed by all of them, or at least constantly on guard around them.

So why did Rohan’s eyes make me feel like they were calling every cell in my body to come closer to him?

If I wasn’t wearing an onyx ring, I would have sworn he was using compulsion on me.

He was so flawlessly good-looking that he had to know it. How many vampire—and human—women in the Vale had he swept off their feet, gotten to fall head over heels for him, and left heartbroken at the end of it? Probably countless amounts.

No way was I letting myself be alone with him. Nothing good could come from it.

I got ahold of myself and looked to Queen Deidre. “I’m sure you’re aware of our beliefs and customs in Utopia.” I swallowed away a small lump in my throat as I spoke of my destroyed home. “I think it would be most appropriate for you to lead me to the starting point of the Angel Trials. Or at least another woman who knows its location.”

Rohan smirked and crossed his arms over his chest. “Afraid to be alone with me?” he asked.

“I’m not afraid.” Annoyance stirred in me at how cocky he sounded.

“It sure sounds like you are.”

Queen Deidre’s gaze bounced back and forth between the two of us like she was watching a tennis match.

“I’m surprised,” Rohan continued before I could respond. “From what I’ve heard, you’re a vampire gifted with the ability to use witch magic. Surely I should be the one afraid of you?”

I raised an eyebrow in challenge. “Are you afraid of me?” I asked.

“I’m not.”

“Maybe you should be.” The words were out of my mouth before I realized they could be construed as a threat.

Threatening a royal of a vampire kingdom while you were a guest in said kingdom was never a good idea.

“Not like I would ever hurt you,” I quickly covered up my mistake. “As long as you don’t do anything to warrant it.”

“I’d never dream of hurting you,” he said, and I sucked in a sharp breath at how sincere he sounded.

Neither of us spoke for a few seconds. We just stared Copyright 2016 - 2024