The Dragon Realm (Dark World The Dragon Twins #2) - Michelle Madow Page 0,26

them to a location far enough away that if the Dark Allies stumble across them, they won’t be able to track them back here,” he said. “From there, the water elementals will shift and fly back home. We’re far enough away from both of the dark kingdoms that they won’t be spotted.”

“You’ve really got the hang of all this,” Torrence said.

“The Dark Allies have lived in Ember for centuries,” he replied. “During that time, we’ve learned how to stay safe and hidden. There wouldn’t be any of us left otherwise.”

She made a noise of what sounded like approval.

Ethan kneeled down next to the still water and dipped his finger into it. Ripples traveled outward.

Seconds later, an older woman’s face appeared in the water. There was light behind her, and her features were decently clear—it was like we were looking in on her through old, foggy glass.

She studied Ethan, and her eyes widened. “Prince Pendragon?” she asked.

Ethan’s expression turned solemn. “It’s King Pendragon now.”

The woman turned her eyes down and muttered a prayer. Then she refocused on Ethan. “I’ll send an envoy for you immediately. How many are traveling with you?”

“There are four others,” he said. “And five horses.”

“Understood,” she said. “Welcome home, and we’ll see you soon.”

Ten water elementals—five males, and five females—surfaced about ten minutes after Ethan spoke to Galinda. That was the name of the older woman who’d appeared to us in the water. He’d known her as a kid while living on Ember, which was how she’d recognized him.

Galinda wasn’t in the envoy sent for us. All ten of the water elementals appeared to be in their twenties, or early thirties at the most.

They kneeled to Ethan after surfacing, with sadness in their eyes. “King Pendragon,” they said, mostly in tandem.

“Rise,” Ethan said, and they did as he commanded.

It was strange to see him treated this way, especially by people older than him. Back at home, he’d been just another guy around town. In Utopia, he’d been treated as less than even the human males. In the Haven, he was an equal.

Here, he was king.

It hadn’t truly hit me until that moment.

A dark-haired woman glared at Torrence and Reed. “Who are they?” she asked.

“They’re mages,” Ethan said simply.

“Dark mages.” Icicles formed in her hands, ready to attack.

He stepped in front of her and stared her down. “They’re with us.”

“They’re our enemies.”

“Are you questioning your king?”

She held his gaze, then backed down. “Of course not. But hopefully you understand my hesitation.”

“I do.” He nodded.

“I assume this has to do with the two of them.” She motioned to me and Mira.

“The Dragon Twins of prophecy?” Ethan smirked.

“I thought that might be the case.”

“It is,” he said. “And we’re wasting time standing here. We need to get down to the kingdom. Now.”

“Very well,” she said. “Who’s first?”

Mira stepped forward. “I am.”

The dark-haired dragon studied her in approval. “You’ll go with Topher,” she said, and a blond, male dragon stepped forward from the side. His hair was the same color as Mira’s.

“I’m going to shift,” he said kindly. “Then you’ll hop on my back, and I’ll swim us to the kingdom. You don’t have to do anything but enjoy the ride.” He waggled his eyebrows at the last part.

“Don’t get any ideas.” Mira glanced at Ethan and smiled. “I’m taken.”

Ethan didn’t look back over at her. In fact, Ethan had been quieter than usual since getting to Ember. He hadn’t said much of anything to any of us during the journey to the cave.

Topher glanced at me, but I was already avoiding his gaze.

Every time Mira told a guy she was taken, their instinct was to move onto flirting with me. As if since we were twins, we were interchangeable.

It was tiresome, but I was so used to it that I was prepared.

Within seconds, Topher shifted into dragon form. His dragon was a bit smaller than Ethan’s, and his scales a deep blue that shined like gemstones. He lowered himself down to the ground, and Mira easily climbed onto his back.

She situated herself, and then he dove into the water so smoothly that there was barely a splash.

I stared at the water with dread.

I did not want to do that.

“Gemma?” Ethan said my name softly, his eyes understanding and kind. “How about you go next, so you can get it over with?”

“Sure,” I said, since he was right—it was best to get it over with. “Sounds good.”

It sounded terrifying.

A girl with curly red hair stepped forward. “Let me guess,” she said. Copyright 2016 - 2024