Dragon Prince - By Melanie Rawn Page 0,65

. .”

She gave a snort of mingled laughter and irritation. “All right, then. If it’ll make you happy, I’ll wear something cut from here to there and back again, and try not to fall out of it. But had you seriously considered how many enemies you’ll make with this game? When those princesses do marry, they’ll remember the insult and try to turn their husbands against you.”

“My position will be strong and the advantages many for those who cooperate with me, so the influence of their wives will count for nothing.”

“And my influence as a wife?”

He smiled. “Can’t you answer that question for yourself yet? Or won’t you believe me until you’re standing by my side in your shocking dress and emeralds?”

“You have an answer for everything, don’t you? But you know what I meant. Am I going to be a part of your life outside your bedroom?” she asked bluntly.

“I’m going to work you like a slave,” he promised, smiling. “Stronghold runs itself, so don’t bother with learning that kind of thing. What I’ll need you for is to help me with running a whole princedom. My father let things happen. I intend for us to make things happen.”

Sioned nodded thoughtfully. “You’re serious about that, aren’t you? I’ve read through your books, you know. And all the little notations you put in the margins.” She laughed up at him suddenly. “And the rude comments about your tutors, as well!”

“I was very young,” he began.

“And shouldn’t have known such words at that tender age,” she interrupted. “I must say, though, some of it was very creative. . . .”

“If you quote me an example, I’ll—”


He tightened his embrace. “A prince never threatens. He just . . . promises.”

“Ah.” She nodded sagely. “Promise away, my prince. I’m terrified.”

Rohan gave up and laughed. “I can tell.” He paused, then, more gravely. “Will you come with me on the Hatching Hunt? Not openly, of course, but we can arrange some time alone. I want to show you Rivenrock.”

“Where you killed your one and only and ever dragon. Yes, I’d like that.”

“I think I’ll need you to be there,” he said slowly, and bent his head. “The slaughter is horrible, Sioned. I’ll spare you the sight of that, but I do want to show you the caves. I’ve always had an odd feeling about the dragons, as if they’re more important than anyone realizes. I can’t really explain it.”

“I’ve seen them in flight. They used to travel over River Run north to the Veresch. But they were too high in the sky for me to hear them.”

“This year we’ll listen to their songs together. I—” He broke off and glanced over her shoulder. “Someone’s coming.”

They parted as a slight shape appeared in the shadows. Rohan sighed with relief as Walvis, every line of his expressive face showing his embarrassment, slunk forward and bowed deeply.

“Your lady mother is asking for you, my lord,” the boy murmured. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s all right, Walvis. Thank you for the warning. I’ll be up directly.”

The squire nodded and melted away into the night. Sioned touched Rohan’s arm and said, “I’ll see you next at the Hatching Hunt.” She leaned up to kiss his lips lightly, then hurried away. Rohan left in the opposite direction, his body tingling and his thoughts centered around those hours he would spend alone with her in the Desert. So rapt was he in the pleasure of contemplation that he bumped right into his sister.

“Well, now,” Tobin said very sweetly. “And here I thought you were so tired, and gone to bed.”

He wondered wildly how much she had seen or heard. “No—I—Mother’s waiting for me, Tobin.” He started past her, but she put a hand on his arm.

“No, she isn’t. That’s only what I told Walvis.”

“You did what?”

“I followed him,” she explained with a shrug. “Rohan, I told you I wanted some answers, and you’re going to give them to me. Why were you out here alone with Sioned?” As he scowled down at her, the fingers on his arm tightened and he was reminded that she was much stronger than her delicate looks indicated. “Tell me! She’s in love with you, don’t you realize that? What are you using her for?”

“What makes you think she’s not using me?”

“Don’t start lying to me. You’re not very good at it. If she’d wanted to seduce you and force you into marriage, she could have done that a long while ago. Andrade trains her faradh’im quite thoroughly!”

The breath

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