Dragon Prince - By Melanie Rawn Page 0,57

her fault, you know.”

“I don’t know anything of the kind.” He was frowning.

“Chay.” Tobin sighed impatiently. “Does she seem like the kind of person who’d be so careless? Or, to put it another way, would Andrade have chosen her for Rohan if she was? I know what I experienced last night. I want her to explain exactly what happened, that’s all. We both have to know.”

“I can’t argue about that.”

She hesitated, then plucked at his sleeve. “Does it matter to you? That I’ve turned out to be—”

“What matters to me is that you’re still safe. And it hasn’t been proven that you’re faradhi. I’ll get a servant to go find the girl.” He rose and went to the door, then turned. “But if anything like this ever happens again—”

“It won’t,” she promised but did not think it wise to tell him just yet that it would be because Sioned was to teach her the uses of her gifts.

The Sunrunner arrived within moments of the summons, as if she had been waiting for it—or fearing it. She wore the same gray gown of the previous night, though the veil was gone; by the sand clinging to the material below the knees and the harsh circles beneath her eyes, Tobin knew she had not slept and probably had not even lain down on her bed. Sioned bowed deeply, sat down in a chair near the bed when invited to, but would not look at either of them.

“There’s nothing to forgive,” Tobin began. “It was an accident, if I understand correctly what happened.”

“I wish somebody’d explain it to me,” Chay muttered.

Sioned stared at her tightly laced fingers. “Some days ago Lady Andrade communicated with me on the sunlight back at Goddess Keep, my lord. Princess Tobin was part of that sunrunning, and I learned her highness’ colors.”

“My wife is not a faradhi,” Chay said.

Tobin shrugged. “Do you remember the only time you ever took me sailing? I was sick the instant I stepped into the skiff.”

“That was because you were pregnant and we didn’t know it yet,” he replied stubbornly.

“No, love,” she said gently. “That wasn’t the reason.”

He glared at her, then at Sioned’s bowed head. “All right,” he said at length. “Tell me what happened.”

“I’m unfit to wear my rings,” Sioned murmured. “The prince was right.”

“It was not your fault, and my brother is a fool,” Tobin said. “And Andrade should have known I’d be caught up in it.”

“Not even she knows everything,” Chay observed.

“But she’s always known I have the gifts.” Tobin watched his eyes for a moment, then turned to Sioned again. “It was indescribable, Sioned. I’ve never seen or felt such beauty in my life.”

“You sensed what we were doing and wanted to be part of it, your highness. But you were never trained. Because we’d touched each other before, you recognized my colors and I yours. It’s very hard to explain, my lord,” she went on, finally looking at Chay. “Think of it like a Fironese crystal window, with sunlight and moonlight shining through it. Every person is made of a unique pattern of colors that faradh’im can touch. I know it sounds odd—like being able to touch a scent. Faradh’im learn their own colors very early, and keep the patterns in their minds so they can return to their own light.”

“And because you and Andrade knew Tobin’s colors, you could bring her back. Otherwise, we would have lost her.”

“It shouldn’t have happened, my lord. I’m sorry.” She paused, twisting her hands together in her lap. “I’m sorry,” she repeated.

“It was beautiful,” Tobin said wistfully. “So much light, threading all through itself like a great tapestry of jewels.”

“And the shadows they cast,” Sioned added quietly. “We’re all made up of shadows, too.”

Chay shook his head. “I’m not sure I understand it, but. . . .” He met Tobin’s gaze and she glanced to the door. “I don’t want any more apologies from you, my lady,” he told Sioned as he got to his feet. “It happened, and it’s over. And now I think I’ll go check on the boys.” He bent over to kiss Tobin, and left.

Tobin sat up straighter in bed, wishing Sioned would look at her. “Subtle, isn’t he?” she said by way of easing the tension.

The Sunrunner finally met her gaze, a little smile teasing one corner of her mouth. Tobin took a quick survey of her features, seeing passion and stubbornness, intelligence and pride. Rohan just might have met his match as well as

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