Don't Turn Around - Jessica Barry Page 0,35

smelled like fast-food wrappers and synthetic lemon air freshener and Scott’s cologne, which seemed to get stronger by the minute. His thigh pressed against Rebecca’s and she held her breath, willing herself to shrink as small as possible.

Play nice, she reminded herself. Don’t do anything to upset him.

She stared out the window. It was strange being up this high, like they were flying above the road rather than driving on it. She shifted in her seat and tried to angle her body away from his, but his thigh pressed in tighter.

“So, how do you two know each other?”

She saw Cait about to open her mouth, but Rebecca didn’t trust her to say the right thing. They had to be careful, and Cait didn’t strike her as the careful type, so Rebecca made sure she got in first. “Cousins. We’re on our way to our grandfather’s birthday party tomorrow in Tucson. That’s why we’re out here now—Cait’s shift ended late, so we had to drive through the night to get there on time. It’s a surprise, so we can’t be late.”

Cait made a noise in her throat that could be read as an affirmation. Rebecca could feel the girl’s eyes on her, questioning, but she kept her own eyes locked on the road.

“Awful long drive,” Scott said, rubbing a thick hand across his stubble. He cocked his head toward Cait. “What kind of shift work do you do?”

“She’s a nurse,” Rebecca said. Cait arranged her features in bland agreement. She knew enough to play along: good. “We both are.”

Scott nodded. “God’s work.” He looked at Rebecca and winked. “Too bad you two aren’t wearing your uniforms.”

Cait laughed, too loud. Rebecca winced. “I’m not sure we’d be all that sexy in our scrubs,” she said lightly. “Not when we’ve been on shift all night.”

“Aw, pretty girls like you? I’m sure you’d be sexy in anything.” Rebecca let this hang in the air. She knew what was coming next. “You two have boyfriends?”

“Yes,” Cait said, too quickly. “We both do.” Rebecca winced again. Wrong answer, Cait, and said in the wrong tone of voice.

“Is that right?” His eyes swiveled away from the road and turned sharp. “And they let you drive through the middle of the night on your own like this? No way I’d let my girlfriend do that, ’specially if she was as pretty as you two. It’s a dangerous world out there, you know.”

Rebecca placed a hand on Cait’s leg. A warning. “That’s why we’re lucky you turned up,” she said, smiling so her dimples showed. “Our knight in shining armor.”

She could feel Cait’s eyes on her again, disbelieving now. She knew what the girl would be thinking. She didn’t care. She knew what she was doing.

“That’s right,” he said, teeth glinting in the half-light. “Come along with my big white horse to sweep you off your feet.”

Rebecca giggled. “Have you got a girlfriend?” She hoped he would say yes. Maybe they could offer him a little relationship advice, play the big-sister card. Remind him of what he had waiting for him back at home.

Scott shook his head, and her heart sank a little. “I was married for a while, but the strain of being out on the road was too much. Divorce came through last year.”

Rebecca cooed sympathetically. “That’s tough. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be,” Scott said, waving her off. “I didn’t much like being tied down, always having to check in and answer to somebody.”

“I get that,” Rebecca said, nodding along like he was some kind of guru. “Better to be single and happy than married and miserable.” Validate his choices. Make him feel like he’s a good guy. Honorable.

“Amen,” Scott crooned. He looked at her, eyes full of admiration. “You know, it’s not often I meet somebody I’m simpatico with. I feel like you and me, we’re simpatico.” He leaned back in his seat and grinned into the dark. “I sure am glad I stopped for you two. Next town should be in a couple miles.” He nodded toward the road. “We’ll get your tank filled up and get you back on the road in no time. I wouldn’t want you missing your granddaddy’s big day.”

Rebecca felt an elbow digging into her ribs, but she didn’t dare look at Cait, not when they were this close.

“Now,” Scott said, shaking his head, “why is it that I can’t find nice girls like you two back in Louisiana?”

“Give it time,” Rebecca said. “A nice guy like you? I’m sure the right Copyright 2016 - 2024