Don't Hex and Drive (Stay a Spell #2) - Juliette Cross Page 0,88

again,” said Violet. “This time upright. You’re quite the leader, Ruben. The Emperor is so dominant in your house. This shows you to be authoritative in your professional self. A sort of father figure to many. Role model and well-respected.”

He made no comment, but the aura of anger eased around him.

“That’s no surprise, though,” she murmured. “But now the last one. Your heart’s goal. To catch the kidnapper, mind you.”

Ruben’s gaze sharpened on her. “No need to remind me, darling.”

“Just checking.” She shuffled without touching the deck, spinning the cards on the flat surface with a swirl of her finger. When they settled flat, she gestured with a dip of her chin. “Pick one.”

He leaned forward and tapped one on the outer edge. She flipped it to reveal The Tower.

It was a tower on fire, flames pouring from the windows, lightning flashing in the sky, and a woman falling.

“This means there will be an upheaval and great chaos. But also, revelation and awakening.” She frowned before saying, “Yes, I believe you will get him.”

“We will get the evidence we need for a conviction? We’ll find the girls?” Ruben snapped.

“I’m sure.” She gestured down at the cards. “But it may not play out exactly how you plan.”

That had my gut tightening. I didn’t want any surprises, especially when Isadora was involved. I’d be more than diligent and prepared that night.

“Has he killed any of the women?” asked Ruben. “Can you at least tell me that?”

“I can ask,” she said, arching her brow as a warning of sorts. Ruben’s aggression was spilling into the room.

Violet closed her eyes and raised her palms facing out. The pull of magic sharpened, a firm pressure building in the room, pressing on my chest. She inhaled deeply. The candle flames all leaned toward her, as if the fire were drawn to her. She whispered in French, an old incantation, calling to the elemental spirits.

The tattoo of the High Priestess on her forearm shivered and rippled, looking as if it moved. Did the inked High Priestess blink her eyes? Isadora gasped, also staring at the strange phenomenon. Then Violet popped open her eyes, burning bright green, then set her hands in her lap. The candle flames righted themselves.

“No,” she said. “The girls are all alive.”

Ruben and I both exhaled with relief at the same time.

He gave me a nod and stood. “Thank you, Violet.” He tugged on the cuffs of his shirt. “That’s more than I could ask for.” He glanced down at Jules. “Does that meet your satisfaction?”

She held his gaze then nodded.

“Good evening then.”

Jules said nothing, having been extremely quiet this whole time.

“Devraj, if you’ll join me,” said Ruben as he walked out.

I stood and couldn’t help but brush a hand on Isadora’s shoulder as I passed. “Goodnight.”

She gave me a small smile, but that was it. I wondered if I’d made her seriously angry by interfering with her awful date. That’s what was spinning through my mind when Ruben and I made it outside and he stopped on the porch.

“I don’t like the card’s reading that there will be chaos. We’ll need to plan for every possibility.”

“Agreed. As long as I’m on the team following the trace when they take Isadora.”

“I understand,” he said, glancing back at the house.

“And have your men had any luck tracking him?”

“No. I knew that would come to nothing. I have two men watching the Bellingrath estate, but Blake seems very wary. We haven’t caught sight of him at all, going in or out.”

He glanced once more toward the house, unable to hide the intensity of his expression.

“Why don’t you just tell her?”

He huffed a sad laugh. “She knows.”

“Does she? I mean, truly?”

He locked on me for a second before heaving out a sigh. “It doesn’t matter anymore.”

“Like hell, it doesn’t.”

“Goodnight, Dev.” Then he traced away, leaving me on the porch alone.

Ruben might be content to leave well enough alone, but I wasn’t. Especially after that peculiar reading from Violet, her words making me sicker by the second as I walked to my home next door.

He knows what he could lose if he fails.

Pretty, lovely, wonderful Isadora.

“Then I won’t lose,” I vowed, more determined than ever.

Chapter 23


When I picked out my dress for date number two, I wondered if Devraj would’ve liked it. I wondered if he’d happen to be at the Cauldron tonight like last time. Then I had to admit to myself that I liked him watching out for me. Or maybe I just liked him watching Copyright 2016 - 2024