Don't Hex and Drive (Stay a Spell #2) - Juliette Cross Page 0,33

of the four girls that went missing were last seen at Barrel Proof. I’m unknown to the supernaturals in the neighborhood, so if you null my powers, I can pass as human. ”

“And stake out Barrel Proof,” added Ruben.

“Tonight?” she asked.

“The sooner the better,” I told her.

Jules stared up at me. She was a petite, curvy woman. Her dark auburn hair was cut in a short bob, framing her heart-shaped face. Her features were delicate, non-threatening. Except for her sharp steel-gray eyes. Make no mistake, I knew the power of an Enforcer. If she wanted, she could do more than null my powers. She could drain my magic dry then punch me through the wall with her telekinetic powers. Not that I thought she held any intentions of such a thing. But it made me wonder when nature put such mighty power into a small, seemingly delicate, package.

Finally, she blinked heavily, apparently coming to some conclusion. “Come with me.”

I followed her through the service door into a back courtyard, Ruben behind us. As soon as the door was closed, she reached out and gripped my wrists, her hands cool.

“Six hours should do it?” she asked.

My muscles bunched, my nerves already rejecting what I was about to do. “Let’s make it four. I don’t want to be without my powers that long.”

She smiled and gave my wrists a squeeze. “Don’t worry. I’m really good at this. I won’t do any permanent damage.”

Ruben coughed behind me. We both gave him a sidelong glance, but his smirk was fixed on Jules.

“Do you disagree, Mr. Dubois?”

“Not at all, Miss Savoie.” His grin remained.

She blew out a breath that fluttered her bangs before she focused on me again. “It only takes a second.”

She closed her eyes. I was about to ask her what it would feel like, then a sudden rippling jolt rattled my bones, literally shaking me in my shoes. Within a snap, I felt the change in my blood, in the beating of my heart, the strength in my limbs. There was a distinctive feeling of being less-than permeating straight through my chest.

“Fuck,” I mumbled, looking down at my body, expecting to see it diminish in some way.

“It feels odd, I’m told.” She dropped my arms. Her eyes glittered bright like stars in the wake of using her magic.

I pressed my hands to my chest. “It’s agony.”

She laughed, her head tossing back a little.

“She’s laughing at my pain,” I said to Ruben.

“Been there. Done that.”

Her laughter faded and she glared at Ruben before giving me a pat on the bicep. “Don’t worry, Stygorn. You’ll be as good as new in just about four hours.” She jerked open the heavy service door and called back as she walked through, “Send me a report, Ruben.”

“Yes, your majesty,” he muttered before telling me, “Let’s go.”

We headed down the alley beside the Cauldron toward his car parked on Magazine Street.

“I’m not lying,” I said. “This feels terrible. Like something is missing.”

Ruben scoffed. “It is missing, Dev. You’re currently a mere human.”

“Poor souls.” I sighed, glancing toward Mystic Maybelle’s.

Then my heart lurched. Standing in front of the building was Isadora. She glanced at me then quickly away, trying to pretend she didn’t notice me. Well, that wasn’t going to work for me.

“Just a minute,” I said to Ruben as he rounded the front of his car and got in.

As I walked over, she turned her head to me and smiled politely, rocking back on the heels of her open-toed sandals.

“You need a ride somewhere?” I asked.

“Oh, no. Tia is picking me up.” She nodded her head a little too profusely. “She’s an excellent driver.” Then she winced.

I couldn’t help but smile. “Unlike me.”

“That’s not what I meant. It’s just, yeah, I’m all good. You headed somewhere with Ruben?” Her voice was a little high-pitched. She was nervous again.

“Mm. Who’s Tia?”

“My best friend.”

I nodded agreeably. “Where you headed?”

“To get some dinner. Maybe a few drinks.”

Narrowing my gaze, I accused a little too haughtily, “But you never have time for going out to dinner. Remember?”

Her green eyes rounded. She swallowed hard, her cheeks flushing pink.

She opened her mouth to say something, but I stopped her with a friendly wave of my hand. “Just kidding.” I smiled. “But seriously, I’d like to—”

A horn honked behind me.

“Oh! There she is. Sorry. Gotta go.” Then she swished by me, giving me one last glimpse of those emerald eyes and a deep whiff of her jasmine scent.

She was in the passenger seat and zooming Copyright 2016 - 2024