Don't Hex and Drive (Stay a Spell #2) - Juliette Cross Page 0,20

the veneer. Besides, I wasn’t a fan of losing control of my faculties. Or of losing anything for that matter.

“I just wanted to wish you a good morning,” he said sincerely. Which was a little aggravating for some reason.

He didn’t need to stop me on the street. We weren’t friends. A passing “morning” with a polite wave would have sufficed.

I gave him a deep nod, grinding my teeth together. “And to you.” I started to walk around him, but he moved again to block me.

Irritated, I finally looked up and held his gaze, wondering why he was messing with me. The intensity of his whiskey-colored eyes blazed bright. I arched a brow at him, wondering why he was holding me hostage.

He seemed to snap out of his daze, clearing his throat. “Your bicycle should be delivered to your house this afternoon.”

Clasping my hands in front of me, I dipped my chin down, staring at the tip of my sandal, a little scuffed and worn. “Thank you. Sounds good.” I moved to go around him, but he shifted to keep me from leaving. Again!

“Wait.” He blew out a heavy sigh, a frown creasing his brow. “I feel like I should buy you dinner or something.” He flicked a hand, seemingly frustrated with the words coming out of his mouth. “To make up for the whole incident.”

“That’s not necessary.”

“I feel like I owe you.”

“But you really don’t,” I explained with a shake of my head. The idea of spending an entire meal alone with him shot my pulse off like a rocket.


“No, thank you. I’m busy.”

“Every day this week?”


“You never eat lunch?”

“I eat lunch,” I injected with a touch of annoyance. “But I prefer to get something from the Cauldron. It’s fast and easy.”

“Ah.” He bit his lower lip, drawing my eyes to the movement and the smile he held back. “I see.”

“What?” I asked, wondering why I felt so disoriented and confused in this vampire’s presence.

“You just don’t want to have lunch with me.”

Bingo. But I’d never tell him so.

I shook my head vigorously, licking my lips nervously. “It’s not that. I mean, I’m busy. You’re busy. I’m sure a Stygorn like yourself has plenty of work to do.”

His smile widened. “You’ve been asking about me?”

“My sister Jules told me why you were here.”

“Is that what makes you so nervous around me?”

“Look, I’ve got to go.” Evasive maneuvers. I glanced over his shoulder, ready to be on my way.

“Is it my acting career that bothers you?”

Not that I’d seen his movies, but the idea of him being a celebrity actually made me cringe. To have your life under a microscope where everyone watched you, wanted something from you. The thought of hanging with someone where all eyes could be on us also made me want to run and hide.

I squeezed my eyes shut, willing my heartbeat to slow her ass down. “Yes, it bothers me,” I answered as politely as possible. “But even so, it would make no difference. The answer is still no.”

He let out a bark of laughter, his eyes swimming with the heat rising in the morning air. He gave me another one of those charming smiles. Though they might melt other girls into puddles of goo, it didn’t affect me. Much.

Then he commanded, “Have lunch with me.”

I felt it. A push of magic, pulsing along my skin and breaking against my internal barrier. The sizzle raised the hairs on my arms, but it didn’t have the effect he hoped for.

My mouth dropped open, and I shook my head on a scoff. “Nice try, but glamour doesn’t work on me.”

It never had. Only very powerful vampires could use their glamour to try to influence other supernaturals. But it had never worked on me.

His expression softened with amusement, rather than annoyance.

I reached inside my bag and pulled out my bottle of water, some of my loose notes sticking to the sides as condensation had formed on the plastic in the heat. I should’ve used a koozie to keep it cold for the walk. I was suddenly in need of a drink to cool off my rising temper at this nitwit holding me up.

I shoved my notes back inside then uncapped my water bottle, taking a swig. He watched, his gaze dropping to the pavement before he shifted closer, back into my space. I hefted the strap of my bag into a better position on my shoulder.

“Honestly, I’m a little disappointed you’d try to lure me with glamour,” I admitted Copyright 2016 - 2024