The Do-Over (The Rooftop Crew #5) - Piper Rayne Page 0,59

apology, but it’s not her fault that Dylan has a problem with me. “He’s just being Dylan.”

“You mean the way he was with—”

Rian nods before Sierra can finish.

“What am I missing?” I ask since the conversation took a turn into the dark for me.

“Dylan is protective over Knox. Kind of like a big brother,” Rian says. “He’s worried because you were friends with Leilani, that you two could have some scheme going.”

My eyes widen, and I feel sick to my stomach. “What?”

“He’s insane.” Blanca rolls her eyes.

Rian nods. “He is. I told him that, but the three of them…” She looks at me. “Jax, Dylan, and Knox have been friends since childhood and I think they just look out for one another. Some kind of bro code.”

“Funny, since when Jax returned, Dylan wasn’t happy.” Sierra rolls her eyes.

I suddenly feel so lost in this group dynamic. “I’m going to head to the bathroom.”

“I’ll go with you,” Evan says.

“Kamea,” Rian calls.

I turn back around. She doesn’t need to feel guilty for communicating what her fiancé thinks. “It’s okay. I get his apprehension. He’s a good friend to Knox and that’s what matters. Honestly.”

Her shoulders sink, but I turn to head to the bathroom. Evan’s hot on my heels as we weave through the overcrowded bar toward the bathroom. When I enter, I stare at myself in the mirror, pushing away the negative thoughts Dylan has about me. I just have to prove to him that I’m not Leilani, that I care for Knox, and that I’m not going to run away. While I use the bathroom, I try to think of some way to get on Dylan’s good side. How can I prove to him that he can trust me?

I exit the stall, and Evan sighs when she sees me. Then she buckles over in laughter. “You’re never going to believe what just happened to me.”

“What?” I wash my hands, staring at her through the mirror.

“A group got between us and I couldn’t see you anymore. Then I put my arm through this girl’s arm, thinking it was you. I was laughing and telling her how crazy the bar is and how you don’t have to worry about Dylan. But when she didn’t answer, I finally looked at her and it wasn’t you. I swear she’s your doppelgänger from behind.” She laughs. “I don’t think she appreciated it because she yanked her arm out of mine and gave me a dirty look.”

I laugh, drying my hands. “Sorry, I just wanted to get away from the table for a second. Clear my head.”

She leans her hip on the counter. “Listen. I’ve only been in this group for a short time, but they really have been great friends to me. From what Seth says, Leilani took a sledgehammer to Knox.”

I hold up my hand. “I’ve heard it all, and honestly, I’m done hearing it. Knox loved Leilani. Great. I get it.”

She runs her hand along my upper arm. “I didn’t mean that.”

I look away from her, sick and tired of feeling second best every time Leilani’s damn name comes up. When will she not be this invisible third wheel in our relationship?

“I see the way he looks at you. He’s fixated on you when we’re all together.”

And when I’m with Knox, I never think about Leilani. I never doubt his feelings for me. But times like now, when someone puts me in the same boat as Leilani, or when I have to hear for the millionth time how crushed he was when she left, I feel the doubts and questions of whether I’m the rebound or a replacement.

“It’s fine, really. I’m just being silly.” I wave it off.

“Seth says he’s never seen him so happy.”

“Thanks, Evan. I’m going to go back. I don’t want Rian to think I’m mad.”

“Come on. Let’s just enjoy tonight.” Evan opens the door, and we step out into the hallway for the bathrooms. We’re about to go single file through the crowd when Evan’s hand lands on my arm. “That’s her. I don’t see the resemblance face to face, but from behind, I can see why I thought it. I’ll have to pay more attention to what you’re wearing from now on.”

Evan’s too busy laughing to notice that the girl she thought was me is staring at me and I at her. Because the girl she thought was me is Leilani.

Leilani walks toward me, her beer hanging in her fingers at her side. She’s wearing black leather pants Copyright 2016 - 2024