The Do-Over (The Rooftop Crew #5) - Piper Rayne Page 0,29

we might find her the other night, but we didn’t. I’m just going to move forward and start saving again.”

The waitress comes over and takes our orders, which I’m hoping will let this line of conversation die and we can start with something fresh once the waitress leaves.

“I heard you have a T-shirt business?” Sierra asks.

“I do.” I nod.

“Can I see one?”

I pull out my phone and pass it over. Blanca snatches it from my hand to get the first look. “If anyone can help you sell some of those, Sierra can. She has her own fan base, plus everyone who follows her and Adrian.” Blanca passes my phone to Sierra.

Sierra smiles. “I love these. I’m not a vegetarian, but they’re so funny. Look at these.” She passes my phone to Evan.

Each girl takes an opportunity to scour through my store.

“I’m buying this one,” Blanca says.

“The color mixes are gorgeous,” Rian says.

“Where do you come up with your ideas?” Evan asks.

I tell them how I got started, and they all share their own stories, which somehow surprises me. I’d gotten the impression they all came out of the womb ready to conquer the world and be lady bosses. But even Sierra talks about the challenges of being with Adrian and the expectations that go along with it. Everyone has their individual struggles. There’s something freeing knowing that.

“Don’t feel bad about taking Knox and Jax up on their offer to stay with them. If it wasn’t for Seth, I’d still be in my parents’ garage. These are great and you’re going to make it big one day.” Evan’s soft smile is genuine, and I appreciate it more than I could convey.

By the time we get to the mini desserts we all agreed to share, Sierra taps her glass with her knife. “Okay, brunch is almost over, so I have to ask the one question we all want to know.”

Her gaze zeroes in on me, and I can guess the question before she asks. “Do you like Officer Whelan, Kamea?”

The other three girls turn toward me, waiting for an answer.

I blow out a breath. “I did at one point. And I won’t deny he’s hot, but he pushed me aside for Leilani years ago, so that’s kind of a turn-off. I’m going to say that no, I don’t.”

“Uh…” Rian says.

“What?” Blanca says and looks at me. “Rian always has the gossip. Dylan is a huge sharer.”

Rian giggles and holds up her hands. “He does tell me a lot, but I don’t know much about this situation. But I see it in Knox.”

“See what?” I chuckle.

“The way his eyes follow you. It could be that he’s just worried about you. That would fit Knox. He can be really private, so I don’t know for sure. But personally, I bet he’s kicking himself now because you are perfect for him.”

I shake my head, not wanting to hear it. Even if I like that she thinks that.

“You never know what the future holds. This chick is marrying my ex-boyfriend.” Sierra thumbs to Blanca and laughs.

Blanca covers her face with her napkin. “I thought we were over that.”

“We are.” Sierra lowers the napkin. “But sometimes you find the right person in the worst situation. I mean, Ethan didn’t want to fall in love with my best friend and Blanca didn’t want to fall in love with my ex, but it happened. Sometimes things like that aren’t in your control.” I say nothing, and Sierra takes it as a cue to continue. “I’m just saying I know when Knox made that decision years ago, it must have hurt you. But I’m sure neither of you are the people you were back then. You probably want different things now. Plus, how do you know it wasn’t Leilani trying her hardest to get Knox that night?”

True. I can’t deny Sierra could be right.

As we finish our mimosas and dessert, the conversation detours to Blanca’s wedding and I relax a little more. I talk a good game, but even I know that if he tried, Knox could win me over faster than he can slap a set of cuffs on a suspect. And that scares the crap out of me.

Chapter Fourteen


I wake up in the middle of the afternoon, unable to go back to sleep. I’m in the kitchen, getting a drink, when the front door opens and Kamea walks in with arms loaded with colored bags. I walk over to help her as she leans so far forward, I Copyright 2016 - 2024