The Do-Over (The Rooftop Crew #5) - Piper Rayne Page 0,10

her name.

Thank you, Patrice. I guess sometimes her interfering actually helps.

Chapter Five


My face still stings hot with embarrassment as we pull up in front of Knox’s apartment building.

“It was nice meeting you,” Patrice says. She was sweet as can be the entire ride, telling stories about the woman, Dell, who was so adamant about me being in her space.


Knox takes my bag, and I couldn’t feel more like a damsel in distress right now. I hate owing anyone anything, but I couldn’t stay at Chris’s anymore. Those boys never left me alone, and it was clear his wife wasn’t as cool with me being there as he was. Especially when I heard them fighting and she asked if he was fucking me. It’s not a situation I want to be a part of.

I thought one night outside wouldn’t kill me. Surely, I could handle one night outside until I figured something out. But as I was drifting to sleep, that woman got in my face. If Knox hadn’t shown up, what would I have done? Asked someone for directions to a shelter, I guess.

Knox didn’t seem like the type to give up and let me leave without taking him up on his offer, so I decided I’ll sleep at his place for the rest of the night, then I’ll leave before he even gets off his shift.

“When do you get home?” I ask as he inserts his key into the lock of his apartment door.

The hallway is so quiet, the key going into the hole sounds as loud as a gun going off. He glances at me and opens the door fully. “Don’t try to run, I’ll find you.”

“Thank you for letting me stay,” I say, ignoring his comment and following him into the small apartment.

“You can sleep in here. My one roommate just moved out, and his new girlfriend demanded they buy a new bed, so…” He flicks on the light. It’s a bare room with white walls. There’s a bed, sans headboard, pushed against the wall and an old chair in the corner. “I have another roommate, Jax, but he’s probably asleep right now. Just shut the door when you go to the bathroom or shower.”

A hot shower sounds so nice, but I tell my achy body it’s not getting that pleasure right now.

“Towels are in the hall closet, and we share food. Jax is cool, so he won’t care if you eat anything.” Knox hovers by the door. “I’m off at seven, but I probably won’t be back until eight or so. Just sleep and I’ll bring some coffee with me when I come back.” He looks like he wants to say more, but he doesn’t.

“Thanks again, I owe you for this.”

He shakes his head. “No, you don’t. Let’s just say I understand. But I did warn you not to bail her out. You obviously didn’t have the money to spare.”

“Thanks, Dad,” I snip.

His lips purse and he rocks back on his shoes. “See you around eight.”

Then he leaves before I can apologize. I should’ve bitten my tongue before sassing him. He’s letting me stay in his apartment.

After I hear the front door shut and he locks it from the other side, I do what any girl would do—I check out the place. I open the fridge, surprised by how stocked it is. Their pantry is as well—mostly junk food but food, nonetheless. My stomach grumbles, so I shut the cabinet and move into the bathroom. Peeking into the shower, I see it’s filled with men’s products. Every item has some woodsy or ocean scent. Their medicine cabinet holds the typical pain relievers, heartburn medicine, etc.

What kind of bachelors are these guys? I was expecting a fridge full of beer and a medicine cabinet full of condoms.

Then I bend down and open the lower cabinets and see my first sign that bachelors do in fact live in this apartment. They must buy their condoms at Costco.

“Shit, am I dreaming?” a rough-sounding voice says from the open doorway.

My head whips around and my gaze flies to his. Jax, I presume, stands there in white boxer briefs, one hand on his face, the other scratching his chest. He’s hot, covered with tattoos, and not nearly as muscular as Knox, but more lean-muscled. One of his nipples is pierced and he flashes me a wicked smile that says these condoms are probably well-used by him.

“No. Sorry, Knox is letting me stay here, but I’ll head back to my room and Copyright 2016 - 2024