A Discovery of Secrets and Fate (Chronicles of the Stone Veil #2) - Sawyer Bennett Page 0,96

upper arm.

“Don’t,” he commands, and I instantly want to obey.

Not because he’s used compulsion on me, but because deep down, I like the look he just gave me, and I don’t want it to stray to Deandra.

“Okay,” I murmur, twisting my head to the side to see him. The lust and desire are in check, eyes no longer glowing.

His gaze drops, and he frowns. “We’ve got a problem.”

I look down at my bare feet. “No one brought me any shoes.”

“That is something I can remedy,” he replies with a smirk as he releases my arm, only to flick his hand toward my feet.

Instantly, a pair of black Converse high tops appear on my feet, and I move my gaze from them to Carrick, whose lips are curved upward ever so slightly. “Very funny. But they don’t quite work,” I point out.

“No, they don’t,” he replies, smile sliding as his gaze narrows on my calf. “Your feather.”

I glance down. Yes, we cannot have anyone seeing the feather.

I’m jolted when with another flick of his hand, the Converse disappear and I’m instantly in a pair of black vinyl boots that come up over my knees to mid-thigh. The heels are so high, I’m not prepared for the need to balance, and I start to topple, but Carrick catches my arm again to hold me steady.

“Can you walk in these?” he asks.

“Yeah, I’m good,” I reply, pulling from his grasp and taking a few steady steps. I’ve come a long way in heel walking since that fateful night I met Carrick at Fallon’s art show that had me almost breaking my ankles. It’s not that I’ve had a ton more practice, but I think it’s because my confidence has grown.

After all, I’ve taken on a powerful dark fae and lived to tell the tale.

I’m the key to thwarting a prophecy.

I’m wearing a sexy-as-hell outfit, and I know, without a doubt, that these boots make it even sexier.

I’ve totally got this.

“Shall we go then?” Carrick says, turning an about-face to offer me his arm.

It’s then that I notice he’s changed into an outfit that resembles the style that Pyke wore earlier, except all in black.

Carrick has always looked magnificent in black, and I love that we match colors.

“Let’s go,” I reply, hooking my arm through his.

* * *

I’m not prepared for the splendor of the party that’s being thrown in Carrick’s honor. And let’s be clear, it’s for Carrick, not me. He knows many of the fae we stroll by who greet him with polite nods or big smiles. I still get glares or looks of disapproval, but I let it roll off my back. I’m here for a mission, and, when I leave, I’ll never be coming back.

In my short time here in Faere, I’ve learned to completely turn off my receptors to the feelings that Light Fae produce. I’m not going to be fooled in the slightest that the delightful sensation means a Light Fae is good and I can’t rely on that as my indicator.

The party is held outside, extending from the massive veranda off the back of the castle down to the back lawns where huge tents are erected and bathed in twinkling lights.

The range of fashion attire is boggling, again confirming that, in Faere, there are no trends. People dress the way they want, but they do all have one thing in common.

They want to be noticed.

This party is only for the nobles and gentry to attend at the royal family’s invitation. There are no gnomes or cute little fairies flitting about. All humanoid-looking Light Fae with superior good looks, enormous power I don’t want to cross, and inflated egos vying for attention.

Carrick has my hand tucked into his elbow as we meander through the crowd. He makes no effort to stop and talk to anyone, nor does he introduce me, for which I am grateful. I know everyone here has heard who I am, and since humans are in general disfavor, I prefer to stay out of any limelight. The best thing about being socially shunned by these Light Fae is that it makes me less self-conscious in the outfit I’m wearing. Of course, I still feel my skin get hot and prickly every time Carrick’s eyes graze over me, but he’s reined in that lust I saw earlier, making me even doubt if that’s what I saw.

Eventually, Carrick and I walk to a tent where a marble floor has been laid upon the unnaturally green grass, and

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