A Discovery of Secrets and Fate (Chronicles of the Stone Veil #2) - Sawyer Bennett Page 0,86

on his mouth.

To Carrick’s credit, he doesn’t touch her, nor does he return the kiss, but she doesn’t seem to care. She pulls away from him, flashes a grin, and twirls slowly with her arms out before coyly asking, “Do you like my new dress?”

“It’s incredibly becoming,” he says neutrally.

It’s incredibly slutty, I think.

“Really, Carrick,” Deandra pouts as she circles him, her hand starting at his shoulder and grazing across his upper back. “You’re hurting my ego.”

Which is probably the size of Australia.

Just as Deandra is coming around the other side of Carrick, she freezes when she sees me standing there. Her eyes roam over me quickly, pausing a moment on my backpack, which is currently slung on just one shoulder, before narrowing like a cat about to hiss.

“What is that?” she says in disgust, pointing at me.

Queen Nimeyah’s head turns my way, but there’s no surprise in seeing me there. She either knew I was in here because she’s all-knowing, all-seeing in this land, or Rebsha told her I was with Carrick.

Regardless, she can’t conceal the slight curl of disgust on her mouth.

Carrick casts me a lazy glance. “That’s Finley. We’re here to see The Scryer.”

“You’d bring a lowly human to our land?” Deandra sneers as she starts to stalk my way. Her hips sway deliberately, but her expression is anything but sensual. She looks like she wants to kill me.

Without hesitation, I bring my right hand across my body, flip the snap that holds my whip handle secure, and wrap my hands around the hilt.

Carrick’s words stop her dead in her tracks. “She’s not to be touched or harmed, Deandra. Anyone who does will answer to me.”

Deandra whips his way as she sputters. “But… but… but… she’s human.”

“I’m well aware of that,” he replies dryly. “But my business with The Scryer is urgent, prompted directly by the gods, and they have placed Finley squarely by my side to help. So she stays here in Faere with me. While I don’t expect your welcome to be warm, I expect it to be non-lethal.”

“Mother,” Deandra gasps, whirling that way. “Are you going to let this stand?”

Queen Nimeyah studies me thoughtfully before turning her attention to Carrick. “I’m not sure. I need more information before I give permission to travel our land and employ our scryer.”

Carrick inclines his head. “I’m humbly beseeching you grant passage to The Scryer as well as safe return to the Earth realm. We will be gone quickly.”

The queen ponders a moment before declaring. “I’ll entertain your request. I want to hear more of your mission. But you must stay here the night as my guest, and we shall have a grand ball in your honor tonight.”

Carrick’s jaw tightens, and I can tell he doesn’t like that edict one bit.

“For now,” the queen continues as she pivots toward the dais. She starts walking that way, saying over her shoulder. “Come join me up here, Carrick, like two old friends, and we’ll talk. You too, Deandra.”

“And Finley?” Carrick grits out.

“Since she’s under your protection, she will also be a welcome guest in my home. But while we discuss such matters, I insist she wait outside in the hallway.”

Both Deandra and the queen look at me expectantly, like I should do their bidding without question. My gaze moves to Carrick, and he merely gives me a slight nod.

I smile brightly at him, giving a tiny bow. “As you wish, my lord. But I can’t wait for you to recount to me everything that’s said here in my absence.”

“Impertinent bitch,” Deandra seethes but Carrick’s lips twitch, and that’s just icing on the cake for me.

Hitching up my backpack, I head toward the door that leads out of the throne room.



Rebsha is there waiting for me. He’s very handsome by fae standards, with dark brown hair cut short with precision and light green eyes.

“I’m to wait here,” I mutter.

Rebsha waves his hand, and out of thin air a comfortable-looking chair appears, backed up against the wall next to the throne room door. He makes a sweeping motion toward it. “For your comfort.”

I’m shocked with inaction for a moment before hesitantly moving toward it as if it might be a trick. I imagine lowering myself to the cushion and it disappearing, causing me to fall flat on my ass while Rebsha laughs hysterically.

“Thank you,” I say hesitantly as I take the risk and have a seat.

He nods. “Would you like some refreshment?”

No way in hell am I accepting anything from anyone

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