A Discovery of Secrets and Fate (Chronicles of the Stone Veil #2) - Sawyer Bennett Page 0,71

back of One Bean. Only problem with that plan is I was called the minute you dove into their backseat.”

I’m not in the mood for his patronization because what I just learned has me reeling, and I can’t deal with him at the same time. “What I do is none of your business. I wish you’d respect that.”

“I should blister your backside,” Carrick mutters as he takes my arm. “You’re coming to the condo right now.”

“Hey, wait a minute,” Myles growls and pushes himself in between Carrick and me, except Carrick doesn’t release his hold. “If she doesn’t want to go with you, she doesn’t have to.”

“I suggest you get the fuck out of my way, little boy,” Carrick snarls and I wonder if I’m the only one who sees the red haze in his pupils. “Or I will turn you to ash.”

That actually scares me because I don’t know the extent of Carrick’s powers, so I push Myles back and step into Carrick’s side. “It’s okay. I got the information I needed. You two head back to the Fantasia while I go to the condo.”

“Are you sure?” Myles asks, still not willing to be cowed by Carrick’s threat. “Because I doubt he’d turn me to ash on a city street in broad daylight.”

“You’d be correct in that,” Carrick says in a low, menacing voice. “I’d get you at night while you were in bed.”

“Oh, stop it,” I snap, slapping him backhanded style in the chest. “Quit picking on my friends, or I’m moving back in with them. If you want me to go to the condo with you, let’s go.”

Carrick’s jaw grinds in anger. While he doesn’t address the fact I just smacked him or drew a firm line in the sand, he makes it clear he’s still in charge by dragging me by the arm to the double-parked black sedan. There’s a driver I don’t recognize behind the wheel, so I’m guessing Carrick may have been en route to somewhere close by when he got the call.

I smile over my shoulder at Rainey and Myles with as much assurance as I can muster. “I’ll call you two later.”

Their return smiles are weak and uncertain.



Carrick was furious at her impetuosity, not because she foolishly put her life in jeopardy, but because she had caused fear to rise within him when he found out she went into that gallery.

He hadn’t felt fear in well… forever.

It wasn’t an emotion that had sway over him anymore.

Yet there he was when he got the call, feeling like his heart was going to lurch out of his chest as a cold sweat slicked his skin. His driver deserved a raise because he got Carrick to First Avenue in record time.

He had had no idea what he was going to do when he rushed in after her. He was prepared to kill the Dark Fae that had once been her sister if Finley’s life was in jeopardy, but luckily, Finley and her insipid friends came walking out—alive, healthy, and whole.

For a brief moment, he had considered not confronting Finley but walking right into that gallery and bringing an end to that creature’s life. It would make Finley safe, and it could potentially end the prophecy right then and there. He would be able to ascend, and Finley could go on with her life.

The only reason he pushed that idea aside time and time again was that he wasn’t so sure this Dark Fae’s death would stop it. Without knowing a fucking thing about the prophecy, her death could speed it up. Or strengthen it. Or any number of things he just couldn’t anticipate at this time.

And to be honest, it wasn’t the only reason he hadn’t killed the Dark Fae that took over the sister’s body. He didn’t want to act until he knew for sure whether Fallon was lost forever. If there was a sliver of hope remaining in Finley, he’d bide his time. It made him hate himself for even caring about her in a way that made him a slave to her emotions.

Finley was sitting quietly beside him in the car. He could feel the anger emanating off her without a single ounce of remorse over her actions. This ensured his fury remained bubbling, and he considered perhaps just locking her up until he could figure out what this prophecy was all about. He could keep her safe and secure in his condo under constant guard, which would give him peace

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