A Discovery of Secrets and Fate (Chronicles of the Stone Veil #2) - Sawyer Bennett Page 0,68

and Rainey bring their eyes to me as they slide my phone across the table. I pick it up while laughing mirthlessly. “I had to restrain myself from asking why she wasn’t in Switzerland helping with the search, but what was the point? We know she wasn’t there because she killed him.”

I experience a moment of sadness for Blaine, but unfortunately, I need to put it aside. I can’t help him now, but I can help others.

“You can tell by her clipped responses there’s nothing of your sister in those words,” Rainey says gently.

I nod as I’d thought the same thing. “But there’s a more important clue in there.”

“What’s that?” she asks.

“She’s not attempting to pretend to be my sister.”

“And that means what?” Myles queries.

I shrug. “It either means I’ve stayed so much in the background these two weeks that she’s not worried about me being a problem, or she doesn’t want me to be a problem and will try to off me the way she did Blaine.”

“Fuck,” Myles mutters, which is very anti-Myles. Like me, he pulls that word out in times of extreme dismay, unlike Rainey, who uses it quite frequently, but always in a lady-like manner.

“What did Carrick say about this?” Rainey asks.

“I didn’t show him,” I mutter, tucking my phone back in my pocket. I lift my gaze, staring them both down. “Because I decided to go visit DFF to see if there’s any of my sister left in there. Carrick would do anything in his power to stop me, so he’s not privy to this information.”

I know this because I brought up the idea to Carrick last night at dinner, a solitary affair with just him and me at the dining table. Zaid served us and left, and I thought perhaps it was so we could talk privately. I didn’t bother to ask where Titus and Maddox were, instead laying out my idea to visit Fallon.

“I forbid it,” he’d said.

And for a solid ten seconds, I thought about arguing with him. I was, after all, incensed he felt he could dictate my life. But then I realized I shouldn’t waste my breath because it wouldn’t change anything. In fact, it could cause Carrick to lock me away in his condo if he thought I’d do something rash.

So I shut my mouth, eating the salmon and wild rice Zaid had made, which was delicious. I decided right then and there I was going to do it no matter what Carrick said.

“This is not a good idea,” Myles says emphatically, dropping his sandwich on the wrapper.

“Way too dangerous,” Rainey agrees.

“Don’t try to talk me out of it.” I lean forward on the table. “I’m going to do it with or without your help, but I’d really like your help.”

They both jolt in surprise because since the moment I enlightened them to this new world, I’ve made it clear they must take a backseat for their own safety. Now I’m inviting them on a dangerous mission, and I immediately see interest in their expressions.

“First, let me say the danger will be minimal as I’m going to go to the gallery in the daytime where there will be pedestrians walking by and customers hopefully inside, so it’s not like she can do anything to me there.”

“And we’ll be by your side, which means she won’t be able to do anything,” Myles points out.

“Actually… you won’t.” I wince apologetically. “I need your help in getting there, though.”

Myles blinks before frowning. “You mean you need a ride? That’s our big adventure to check out DFF?”

“Oh, it’s way more than a ride,” I rush to assure him. “I need help escaping One Bean since Carrick has eyes on me all the time for my safety. There’s probably someone in here right now or out on the street watching. I was hoping you’d pull the car up to the alley door in back, so I can slip out that way.”

Myles grunts his displeasure at being relegated to such a menial task, but he picks up his sandwich. “Better eat and get fueled up for this entirely dangerous escapade Rainey and I are about to pull.”

“Wait,” Rainey says with alarm, head whipping Myles’ way. “We’re going to let her do this?”

Mouth full of panini, Myles talks around it. “You heard her. She’s going to do it with or without our help. Might as well help her.”

“Or we could call Carrick and tell him what she’s planning,” Rainey suggests.

“If you do that, I’ll sneak in

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