A Discovery of Secrets and Fate (Chronicles of the Stone Veil #2) - Sawyer Bennett Page 0,51

I don’t want you two at risk.”

“We’re not leaving,” Myles says resolutely.

Rainey nods. “What he said.”

Growling, I leave them alone for a moment and spin toward Carrick, only to find him gone. He actually left before I could continue this discussion and if he thinks I’m going to do his bidding, he’s got another think coming.

I take off toward his office, stomping in anger. Rainey and Myles scramble after me as Titus starts chuckling.

Carrick is behind his desk again but ignoring the book. Instead, he has his phone out and is getting ready to bring it up to his ear. When he sees me enter, he sighs with annoyance and disconnects whatever call he was ready to make.

“I am not moving in here,” I protest.

“You are,” he retorts. “It’s the one thing that will guarantee your safety.”

“I have a life, Carrick. I own a business. I am not going to hide out here in your condo for what could be weeks. Hell, maybe months.”

“We’re not giving our lives up either,” Rainey says from behind me, and I whip around to glare at her in frustration. She’s making the same damn argument I am and admittedly, it’s effective because I believe deeply in keeping my autonomy.

“You can go about your life,” Carrick declares, his attention focused solely on me. “I’ll make sure eyes stay on you when you’re at One Bean. But at night, you are here where you can be adequately protected or if you need to go out, it’s with Titus or me.”

An idea suddenly strikes. “I’ll make you a deal,” I drawl solicitously. “I’ll agree to stay here as long as Rainey and Myles can stay, too.”

“Absolutely not,” Carrick replies firmly.

At the same time, Myles snaps, “Oh, hell no.”

Rainey pipes in with a polite, “Thank you, but we’re going to have to decline.”

I plead with Rainey with my eyes. “I’ll worry about you too much. You won’t leave, you won’t stay here—”

“She’s not invited to stay here,” Carrick grouses, but I ignore him.

“—and you can’t go back to my house. We’re running out of options here.”

“We’ll stay on the Fantasia,” Myles asserts, his arm going around Rainey. “Carrick says it’s still protected, and we’ll be careful when we see you. We won’t make targets of ourselves.”

Rainey nods emphatically. “But we will see you. We’re part of this now, if for nothing more than to just give you support.”

I huff with frustration that I’m not getting any concessions. I spin back to face Carrick, who has left his seat and perched on the front edge of his desk, long legs stretched and crossed at the ankles, and arms loosely folded over his chest. He looks smug and yes, maybe not but five minutes ago, when he had my shirt in his hand and jerking me up close to his face, I thought it wouldn’t be so bad to kiss him, but now I just want to smack him.

“You can put a protection spell back on my house,” I suggest.

He shakes his head. “I politely decline.”

“Aarrgghh,” I yell in frustration, my fists tightening as I stomp my foot. “You’re taking all the control, and I can’t live that way. I’m stifling already.”

Carrick—multi-billionaire and well-respected man of Seattle—rolls his eyes at me like a thirteen-year-old. “You’re being dramatic, Miss Porter.”

I almost launch myself at him, palm itching to slap his pompous face, but he stops me by conceding, “However… I have no intention of keeping you on the sidelines. You’ll come to Faere with me or any other place we need to go. You are the key to the prophecy, after all.”

Hmmm… that sounds more reasonable.

“And the key to getting my reward,” he adds with a roguish grin. Deep in my heart I know he’s probably teasing me since I love to point that out to him.

But it’s still a reminder Carrick isn’t helping with the prophecy to save the world or even, God forbid, me.

He’s still in it for himself, even if he does deserve it like Veda says.

At that moment, Zaid walks in and advises Carrick, “I’ve got word out to Pyke that you need to see him.”

“Who’s Pyke?” I ask, my gaze on Carrick for the answer.

“Light Fae who will get us into Faere.”

I nod dramatically with a knowing smirk. “Because he owes you a favor, right?”

“Something along those lines,” he quips.

“Hey,” Rainey says in excitement, clapping her hands. I spin to face her, charmed by the blatant enthusiasm, although I’m stumped by what she has to be

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