Dirty Sexy Alphas (Twenty Book Box Set) - Hannah Ford Page 0,34

beside his desk as if he hadn’t just had me bent over it, fucking me from behind. He looked cool, calm, collected.

As if bending a girl over his desk was just another part of his day. I tried to pretend the same, as if I wasn’t the least bit affected by what we’d just done.

“Ready?” he asked, as if we’d just paid a dinner bill and were ready to go home.

“Mhmmm,” I said, as casually as I could muster.

I wasn’t sure what I expected from him. What I wanted from him.

He led me out of his office, the door clicking firmly shut behind us, and then back down the expansive halls of his center. I was relieved to realize there wasn’t a nearby-secretary’s desk, or water cooler. What Landon and I had just shared… it was between us.

He led me across the entrance, and I ignored the watchful eyes of the receptionists, hoping they couldn’t’ see the difference in my mussed-up hair, in my rumpled clothing. Hoping they couldn’t’ see at a glance that their boss had just fucked me on his desk.

Maybe the blond would pick up that Inbox of his later, scooping it off the floor and smelling the sex in the room.

Landon walked around his car, opening the door, and waiting for me to slide into the seat before closing it gently with a click.

Seconds later he was next to me again, turning the key in the ignition and then we were pulling out, leaving his center behind and gliding down the valley highway. We hadn’t spoken since he’d come inside me, and I felt awkward, desperate to fill the silence. But with what, I wasn’t sure.

“Let me take you out tonight,” he said, after a few miles of quiet.

My heart galloped to life in my chest. I’d wanted him to say something. Anything. But this had been too much to want. “On a date?”

“Yes,” he said. “I’ll pick you up at seven.”

“Where are we going?”

His lips twitched, like he was trying not to smile. I’d already agreed, without even realizing it.

“You’ll find out soon enough.”

“Okay,” I said. Wishing I could resist him, knowing I couldn’t. My heart seemed to swell, warm my whole body at once. I wanted to be so much more than a fling to him. Maybe this date… maybe that meant I truly was more.

He slid a hand across the console, trailing it down my arm and interlacing his fingers with mine.

It was an oddly intimate thing to do. This man, who I’d been close to, who I’d just been fucked, bent over his desk, was now holding my hand. It felt too familiar, too romantic. Holding hands was affectionate, and what we had was raw and sexual, hungry and insatiable.

We rounded a corner and turned onto my road, and then all too quickly, he was letting go of my fingers, putting the car in park.

“See you at seven,” he said, and I climbed out of his car. He idled in the driveway, watching as I ascended front porch steps and walked into the house. It wasn’t until the door clicked shut that I heard the engine rev and he backed out, then left us in his rearview mirror.

Today had been… insane. I wasn’t even sure what I was more elated by—that he asked me out on a date, that he offered me an insane internship, that he’d wanted me so badly he’d fucked me in his office.

“What’s with that shit-eating grin?” Matt asked from his place in my dad’s old, fraying recliner.

My eyes snapped to his, the smile melting from my face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

He sat up, snapping the footrest down with a screech. “I’m talking about my sister taking off with Landon Hill and then coming back three hours later, smiling like a lovesick puppy.”

“Don’t be a jerk,” I said, tossing my purse down on the battered coffee table and flopping down on the couch. “It was about business.”

He leaned forward in the chair, the springs creaking with age. “What kind of business could you possibly have with Landon?”

I leaned back on the armrest, crossing my legs at the ankle. “He offered me an internship.”

“You already have an internship. Speaking of which, shouldn’t you be on a plane by now?”

I tried to ignore the guilt that threatened to damper my mood. “I turned it down.”

“What the hell, Taryn,” he said, leaning forward, his elbows propped up on his knees. I’d forgotten how intense he could be sometimes,

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