Dirty Sexy Alphas (Twenty Book Box Set) - Hannah Ford Page 0,320

few days since Ethan had been there with her but the memory of him ate at her insides.

Anger heated her skin. She and Ethan might have been able to establish their relationship, could have been able to figure out what they were going to do without the interference of the public’s opinion.

And then maybe Ethan’s father wouldn’t have found out until she and Ethan were truly ready to tell him…

Kylie had put her in this impossible situation and damn it, her ex-best friend could at least explain to Harper’s face why the hell she’d betrayed her like this.

And Harper decided she was going to get an explanation right now. She called for a cab and then freshened up.

By the time she got the notification that her cab was waiting, the heat had spread and was a slow burn that simmered just under the surface of Harper’s skin.

The pent up emotions that had been sucking her under since she made the choice to walk away from Ethan made her hands shake.

Her best friend had betrayed her.

Harper faced an uncertain future because the only person she trusted in the world sold her out.

The only thing Harper wanted now was to know why. That and she wanted to look into Kylie’s eyes when she told her old friend just what she thought of her.

She went outside and hopped in the taxi and got ready for a fight.

The cab pulled up to Kylie’s building and Harper climbed out.

The doorman smiled at her with a pleasant good morning. He either had not heard the nasty rumors swirling around her or he was just that professional. The elevator seemed to take forever but with every number that blinked by, her ire grew.

When she finally stepped off the elevator, Harper was ready to give Kylie a huge piece of her mind. The sight of her ex-friend, standing in her doorway waiting took Harper aback for a moment.

“Hey,” Kylie said softly. “I asked Gerald to let me know if you came by. I’m glad you did.”

The anger resurfaced and Harper glared at Kylie. “I didn’t come because I’m okay with what you did. I want to know why? What the hell Kye?”

Kylie’s head dropped and her hair fell in front of her face. She did that when she was trying to hide her embarrassment. When she didn’t know what to say. Harper took a step closer.

“I thought we were friends, best friends. You were there through everything and to turn on me like this…” The tears streamed down her cheeks unexpectedly and all of a sudden, the anger turned to hurt. So much hurt. “Everything is a mess now and it’s all because of you. Because of what you did.”

Harper’s shoulders sagged and ragged sobs burst free from her chest. “Kicking me when you knew I was down? Why did you do this to me, Kye?”

An answering sob came from a few feet away and then arms went around Harper. She was so desperate for any sort of kindness in the black that was her mind, that she let Kylie hold her.

“God I’m so sorry. I swear to god that I didn’t say anything to the tabloids. On my life swear. I just…” Kylie pulled back but kept her fingers tight against Harper’s shoulders. “I confided in my mom about you and Ethan. I never thought she’d gossip about it with her friends, but she did. She told someone and they told someone and I really don't know who talked to the tabloids but it wasn't me and I am so sorry for hurting you.”

Harper knew how quickly rumors spread, the few weeks after the first accusations against her father came to light, there was speculation about every single part of their lives. And even though she was mad at Kylie for saying anything to her mother, the truth was that she desperately needed to talk to someone.

She needed Kye right now.

“What can I do?” Kylie asked. “What do you need from me?”

God, that was the first thing Kylie had asked her when they learned about the federal charges being brought against her father.

“I don’t know,” Harper admitted now, with defeat.

“Where’s Ethan?” Kylie asked.

“I don't know what to do,” she whispered brokenly. “I left him and now I don’t know what to do.”

“Oh sweetie, what happened?” Kylie guided Harper into the apartment and over to the couch where they sat down next to each other.

“I messed up,” Harper said on a soft exhale. “Ethan is amazing and he

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