Dirty Passions An Interracial Russian Mafia Romance (The Lion and The Mouse #5) - Kenya Wright Page 0,71

calm down. None of it was directed at her.

Still, she had a sad look. “What do you want to do?”

“Besides kill everybody?”

The sad expression shifted to a weak smile. “It won’t be that easy, baby.”

“I know. This may be the hardest next days of my life. There’s an enemy among us, posing like a friend. I’m used to that, but in this case, the enemy is more yours than mine. I’ve shot and killed many things, but never have I been able to destroy racism.” I pulled her to me, needing her body pressed against mine. “How are you really? How’s the baby?”

“We’re fine. No feeling of weakness. Not sick at all.” She wrapped her arms around my waist and lay her head against my chest. “I’m just angry. Ready to spill blood. Aggravated that I don’t know who it is. I want this stopped now.”

I held her tighter. With my other hand, I ran my fingers through her hair. “Someone wanted to send a message.”

“And they know I’m pregnant. The gorilla looked like she was pregnant, when she was killed.”

“The person is closer than we thought.” I clenched my jaw. “I told a lot of people about your pregnancy, but it’s mainly the people who are currently in the house.”

She left my arms. “Jean-Pierre said it wasn’t the cleaning staff. How can someone sneak an animal into the house without them knowing?”

“Jean-Pierre could be lying. He has his own agenda.”

“And if he isn’t?”

“Regardless, the person must know the butler and everyone else’s schedule.” I checked my watch. It was midday. “This is a shift change. The butler and housekeeper would be downstairs to pass down any information to the people coming on shift, as well as review details with the ones leaving.”

“Okay. So, let’s assume Monkey Guy knows the schedule or how to seize the opportunity to get the schedule. I don’t know how to find it out, but I’m sure there’s a camera that could show a person going in the servant area to check.”

“Unless security hid it.” I shoved my hands in my pocket. “Everyone in the security room must die. I can’t give more chances, when it comes to you and our baby’s mental stability.”

She began to pace in front of me. “I hate killing innocent people, but the fact that the footage keeps getting hidden, means that most of the security people on the cameras are guilty. Someone’s been erasing the footage or blocking it somehow. Jean-Pierre can see it, but apparently our own people have been unable to view it. And that’s bullshit.”

I gritted my teeth. “Fair point.”

“Still. . .” She stopped pacing and faced me. “I want to wait on doing anything until we get the footage from Jean-Pierre.”

Every time she said that perfumed pansy’s name, I wanted to put a bullet in his head.

She studied my expression. “What’s wrong? Besides the obvious.”


“You’re not happy about his involvement?”

“I want him dead. Now he’s figured out a way to stay breathing for a few more days. He’s going to stretch that out as much as possible.” I walked over to the wall near the black doors leading to the kitchen. The closer I got, the more I could hear pots and pans clinking. Next to the entrance, a map of Kapotnya hung next to one of Russia. “What’s this for?”

“What?” Emily walked over to me. “Oh. I wanted this building to be a temporary living arrangement for them. The end goal is for everyone to get their own hustles and fully take care of themselves. I’ve been slowly trying to think up things in the district that they can do. Ways for everyone to get paid without hurting the people there.”

“Smart.” I gazed at it and wondered what all the different colored pens meant to Emily and her crew.

“Thank you for giving me Kapotnya.”

“The idea was the most obvious decision. It was clear you would be actively dealing with the area. It was no need to further piss Abram off with your presence.”

“I think he’s going to be mad that I have full control.”

“Let him be mad. In many ways that was a test.”

“To see what he would do, if he’s pushed?”

“Yes. Giving you the district was also to let you slowly enter my world. It was a quick introduction course on what you Americans would call Mafia Politics.”

“Good idea.”

“Unfortunately, with this problem and Jean-Pierre’s involvement, you’ll have to learn fast. Not only are the monkey head people pushing for power, Jean-Pierre will be

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