Dirty Desires (Devil Kings MC #3) - Nicole James Page 0,66

right about that place. I don’t ever want to go back.”

“We don’t have to now,” she replies. “But what if he gets out?”

“Hey, listen to me.” I take her face in my hands and smooth the worry lines between her brows. “I don’t want you to worry about that anymore. That’ll never happen. I promise you.”

“You sure?”

“I’m sure.”

I know this is fact, because the club took a vote and made arrangements with connections we have on the inside for Growler to meet with an unfortunate accident in the near future. They can’t keep him in solitary forever. Growler should have known better. No one steals from the MC and gets away with it.

“You ready to ride?”

She smiles up at me, pressing against my chest. “So ready. Take me home, baby.”



I slip back in bed, facing the window and the view of the pond. It’s dawn and a mist floats up from it. Soon the sun will rise above the trees and reflect off the water, but right now it’s still just that pink orange glow on the edge of the horizon. Gypsy cuddles against my back in his sleep, and his arm settles around me, his palm on the mattress near my face.

On his right hand he wears a ring proclaiming he belongs to the Devil Kings, but on this hand he wears a ring proclaiming he belongs to me. It’s silver with an onyx stone. In the center is the design of a medieval sword. He’s my Lancelot, my knight, my savior. He says the sword is a T for Tess because he’s mine now.

I slip my hand in his, lacing our fingers together.

Yesterday we got married. It was also the day after I got the all clear from the doctor, as it’s been six weeks since I gave birth. Last night, our wedding night, we made love for the first time since the baby. Gypsy had been sweet and tender, taking his time and going slow, so worried about hurting me, and it made me love him all the more.

Just thinking about how gentle he was has me arching my back and rubbing my ass against him slightly. A moment later, I feel his morning wood, and I smile.

His hand tightens over mine and he nuzzles against my head, his mouth finding my ear. “Morning, baby.”

“Good morning, husband.” I can’t help the smile on my face.

“How’s my bride?” he whispers, nipping at my ear lobe.

“So happy.”

His hand releases mine to move down my body and slip between my legs, cupping me. “You sore?”

I shake my head. “Nope.”

His fingers toy with me until he has me wet and eager, then he presses me to the mattress and moves over me, slipping inside.

“I love you, Tess.”

I get lost in his stormy gray eyes. They hold mine while he moves inside me, and I know I could drown in those eyes every day for the rest of my life.

“I love you more.”

We make love slow and easy. I love how he’s taking such care, and I give him that because I know he needs to give me that, but a part of me wants him to ease up on the reins he’s put on himself and go wild with me, taking me the way he likes to, the way I love him to—a little rough, a little controlling, and a whole lot of hot.

When we’re through, he dips his head to kiss me softly. “You want breakfast in bed?”

I smile up at him. “What I really want is for you to build me a fire.”

He grins and twists his head. “It is kind of nippy this morning.”

“Perfect day for riding,” he muses.

“It’s supposed to storm later.”

“Then it’s a good day to stay in bed.” He glances toward the crib set up across the room. “How much time do you think we’ve got before you need to feed him?”

“He should be good for a few hours.”

“All right, make you a deal. I’ll build a fire, and you get to help with breakfast.”


Twenty minutes later, my butt is on the kitchen counter, wearing nothing but Gypsy’s flannel shirt. A fact I know has been driving him crazy. I watch him flip the last pancake from the pan to the plate. He drops the spatula with a clatter, turns the burner off, and then steps between my legs.

“Come here, woman,” he growls, taking my mouth in a kiss.

I wrap my legs around his waist and press my bare pussy against his washboard abs.

It’s not

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