Dirty Desires (Devil Kings MC #3) - Nicole James Page 0,46

Growler would stab his own mother in the back.”

“I’m so sorry, Gypsy. I was wrong to do it.”

“Ya think?”

“I made a mistake.”

“Thought I could trust you.”

“Please, I’m admitting I should never have done it. I’m telling you; I’m not hiding it from you.”

“Sure, now that it backfired you tell me. When you should have told me was back when Growler first asked you to do that shit.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Was it all a lie? You and me… was that just an act to get close to me and find out what you needed?”

“No, I swear.” I shake my head violently.

“Guess I had you figured all wrong. Thought you were something special. Smart. Strong. Loyal. You’re none of those things, Tess.” He heads down the hall, and I trail behind him.

“Please, baby, I’m sorry. I was wrong. I made a mistake. Please, you have to forgive me.”

“I don’t have to do shit. You know I fought my club over you, argued with Rusty to give this a chance. Guess he was right after all; you’re nothing but trouble.” With those cutting words, he slams out of the house.

I could chase him down the walk to the curb, make a scene of begging him, but I know it would be no use. So, I press my forehead against the door and let the tears come, my shoulders shaking with my sobs.



“Quit pacing,” Hayley snaps, licking ice cream off a spoon. For the last two weeks she’s been my rock. Tonight, when I had a crying jag, she rushed right over, carting in several pints of ice cream—the good stuff. God, love her.

“I’ve got to figure a way to fix this.” I sit down, and she shoves a pint at me with a pink plastic spoon jammed in it.

“Ain’t no way to fix it. What’s done is done. Trust is hard to repair.”

“Quit spewing platitudes at me and help me come up with something.”

“Babe, like what? You’ve called him and texted him. He won’t respond. You gonna stand outside the clubhouse and serenade him?” She jabs her spoon toward me. “Oh! You could stand outside and hold up a boombox, blasting your song.” She frowns. “Do you have a song?”

I give her a death glare.


“I thought you were so sure he had feelings for me.”

“Yeah, but that was before you stabbed him in the back. Guys don’t like betrayal. It ranks right up there with cock teases and nose piercings.”

“Would you be serious?”

“I’m bein’ serious. And by the way, when are you planning to tell him about the baby?”

I stare at the table, and she knows the answer.


“I will eventually.”

“Why the hell didn’t you tell him when you talked?”

“It didn’t seem like a great time. ‘Hey, babe, I’m sorry I just betrayed your club for my father, and oh, by the way, I’m pregnant.’”

“Tess, you have to tell him. He has a right to know. The sooner the better or it’s just one more thing you’re hiding from him.”

I shake my head. “I don’t want him coming around just because of that. Once I tell him, I’ll never know if he forgives me and takes me back because he has feelings for me or if it's just because of the baby. I won’t use the pregnancy to hold him or win him back.”

“So, what are you going to do?”

“I have to find out what Growler’s plans are. Then I can warn him.”

“Nuh-uh. I’m not taking you back down there to see that asshole.”

I tap the tabletop with a fingernail, thinking. “Maybe we don’t have to see Growler.”

“Then how the hell are you going to get that information?”

I give her a sideways glance. “I still have that phone number.”

“For that guy? What was his name, Rebar?”

“No, Reload.”

“I mean, I feel like I already know the answer but… are you crazy?” Hayley spits out.

“I need to know exactly what my father’s planning. Even if it doesn’t win Gypsy back, at least I’ll know I tried to make amends.”

“And you think this dude your father is plotting with is just gonna tell you?”

“No, but I bet I can get him to tell me something, especially if he thinks my father sent me.”

“You really have lost your mind. I didn’t know pregnancy made women loony.”

“I’m serious, Hayley. What choice do I have?”

“Um, I can think of several things, especially since you’ve always been the one who wanted nothing to do with the MC. Now you’re plunging knee-deep in their shit. You find out too much, it could put

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