Dirty Desires (Devil Kings MC #3) - Nicole James Page 0,4

He’s never done anybody any good.

He nods.

“And how am I supposed to get information on the club for you? They don’t know me. None of them have laid eyes on me since I was a child.”

“You’re my daughter.”

“Don’t think that carries much weight anymore, considering your current circumstances. Mom says they’ve got a new president, a new VP, and everything’s different now.”

“That’s why I need you to get me information. All the old trusted members are gone, run off, or dead.”

I sigh. If I know one thing about this man, it’s that he’s more stubborn than my mother. “Again, how do I do that?”

“You’re a pretty girl. I’m sure it shouldn’t be too hard to spin your web around one of them.”

Ew. Gross. “If you think I’m sleeping with one of those dirty bikers, forget it.”

“Nobody said you had to fuck ‘em. Have your mother contact one of them and ask for a favor. Get him to drive you down to visit me. Make up a story why. That’ll give you hours to wheedle the information out of him.”

“What information?”

“I want to know everything about their plans for the Sturgis trip comin’ up in a few months. The day they’re leavin’, who’s stayin’ behind, where they’re stoppin’ over. Everything you can find out.”

“But isn’t that club business? Why would they talk to me about it?”

“Come on, I’m sure you can figure out a way to get that information for me. You do, I’ll tell you where the key is.”

“She needs that money, Dad.” I break down and use the word, reminding him he has some responsibility.

“Then do this for me, and it’s yours.”

I shake my head. He’s such a dick, but what choice do I have?

“Come back next weekend.”

Fucking hell.

There’s a loud beeping noise, and all the inmates stand.

“Ten o’clock count,” he tells me and moves off to stand with the other men.

They line up against the wall. The guards tell us there’s no moving from our seats and no talking until the count is finished.

Finally, when Growler returns, he doesn’t look so smug anymore, and I think I know why. He’s just been reminded of who holds all the power in here, and it’s not him. It must be awful in this place, day after day, being told when to eat, when to sleep, where to stand, where to sit, especially for a man who’s fallen so far, all the way from the head of the table of the most badass MC in the state, where he held the gavel and ran things, to being reduced to nothing more than cattle in the eyes of the Georgia Bureau of Prisons.

He sits and chugs down the rest of the Coke, then takes the second one and pops the top.

“How’s the food in here?” I can’t help twisting the knife.

“How do you think? It’s not fit for a dog, what there is of it.” He holds the bag of chips up, shaking the crumbs into his mouth. “Got any more money for the vending machines?”

I shake my head. “I used all the singles I had.”

He crumples up the second bag. “Next time get the beef jerky and Mountain Dew.” With that he stands.

I look up at him. I guess the visit is over.

“See ya next week, Tess.”

He turns and walks to the guards and tells them he wants to return to his cell. I guess that’s preferable to spending time with his daughter. But then again, I have no more vending machine snacks to offer him or money to buy more, so I guess my usefulness is over for today. Asshole.

I walk through security and make it out into the sunshine, never so happy to be under the baking sun as I am in this moment. That depressing building sucked the very life out of me. I don’t want to ever go back. I feel for people like Nessa and the other family members who come here week after week to see their loved ones. It’s like they’re sentenced, too. I couldn’t do it. But maybe if I had someone I actually loved inside I could find the strength. As it is, it looks like I’ll have to muster the backbone to come back again at least once, maybe more than once, depending on what games my father is playing. I hate that I have to play along in order to get that damn key. I’d like nothing more than to tell him to go fuck himself.

I scan the parking lot,

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