Dirty Desires (Devil Kings MC #3) - Nicole James Page 0,37

surround me, quacking and raising a ruckus, demanding more.

I squeal and step back, out of bread for the hungry fowl, and I back into a waiting pair of arms. I yelp and twist.

“Damn, woman, can’t a man sleep?” Gypsy is behind me, shirtless in a pair of unbuttoned jeans.

“You scared the crap out of me.”

“You’re the one out here raisin’ hell.”

“I was quiet. It’s them.” I point at the quacking ducks. “Besides it’s almost eleven.”

“Is that my bread you’re feeding them?”


“I hope you didn’t give it all away or there won’t be any toast.”


He rolls his eyes, takes my face in his hands, and kisses me. It’s barely a brush of his lips, but it’s the kind of kiss that’s sweet and makes my insides melt.

“You like eggs?” he asks, lifting his mouth an inch off mine.

Before I can reply, the rumbling sound of a motorcycle carries to us. My eyes widen, and I wonder how quickly I can sprint to the house and hide. I’m already turning that way when Gypsy grabs my hand, stopping me.

“Where you goin’?”

“That could be one of your brothers.”

“It probably is.”

“Don’t you want me to hide?” I pull, but his hold only tightens.



“I’m done with that. I’m not hiding this relationship anymore.”

I go still at his words, and my head tilts. I need clarification. “Is that what this is? A relationship?”

“You gotta ask me that after last night?”

Last night he’d been sweet and tender. What we’d done hadn’t been just sex but had everything to do with expressing feelings. I dip my head. “I didn’t mean it to sound like that.”

He tilts my head with a finger under my chin. “We on the same page?”

I nod, the entire time conscious of the fact that the motorcycle is getting closer, and I’m standing here with just Gypsy’s shirt on. It covers me to mid-thigh, but still.

The bike pulls up to the house, and the engine cuts off.

“I’m not dressed,” I spurt out.

The corner of his mouth lifts. “Jammer won’t mind.”

“Jammer? How do you know who it is?”

“His bike’s been misfiring. Probably why he’s here. Told him I’d take a look at his carburetor last week.”

“Did you know he was coming today?”

“Nope. Sometimes my brothers just pop over, especially if they’ve got engine problems. I’m pretty good at fixing shit.”

“I need to get dressed before you let him in the house.”

We walk inside and immediately hear his brother knocking on the door. I scamper to the back and close the bedroom door as Gypsy answers it. I can hear male voices talking as I hurriedly dress.


Jammer walks in, and I close the door. “You want coffee?”

“She here?”

I freeze. “Is who here?”

The look he gives me tells me he’s not in the mood for any bullshit. “Come on, man. Bandit followed you last night. You even spotted him.”

I head to the kitchen and busy myself with pouring two mugs of coffee, my brain going a mile a minute, wondering what the fuck all that means. I decide to just cut to the chase. I turn and hold a mug out to my brother. “And why the fuck, exactly, was Bandit following me?”

“Rusty ordered him to.”

I pause, my mug halfway to my lips. “The fuck? Why the hell would he do that?”

He puts a hand to the counter. “Come on, man. You’ve been disappearing a lot, and you’re distracted as hell. What the fuck is going on with you?”


“That the way you’re gonna play this?” Jammer cocks a brow at me. “Seriously?”

“Yeah, there’s a woman here. Yeah, I was with her last night. What business is that of Rusty’s or fucking anybody else’s in the club?”

The bedroom door opens, and Jammer turns his head to look. Tess comes out, twisting her hair in her hands and looking nervous.

“Hi,” she says softly, then extends her hand to my brother. “I’m Tess.”

Jammer’s eyes widen slightly and then sweep over her, then cut to me and back, leaving her hand hanging in mid-air. “Tess? As in Growler’s kid? Bandit told me, but I didn’t want to fucking believe it.”

Tess looks nervously at me, and I reach out and grab her hand and pull her against my side. My arm lands on her shoulders, anchoring her to me. I answer for her. “Yeah, man. Growler’s daughter.”

Jammer’s eyes cut to her, and I can see the wheels turning. “Tess, you mind if I have a word with my brother?”

It’s really not a question; he’s already stalking out to the back porch.

Tess lifts her

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