Dirty Desires (Devil Kings MC #3) - Nicole James Page 0,28

long stroke and soon my hands are fisting in the cotton sheets.

“More,” I plead softly.

“Gonna give you more, babe.”

“Don’t stop.”

“Not stoppin’. I’ll fuck you as long as you want it, angel. I’ll give you anything you want. My mouth, my fingers, my dick.”

“Touch me,” I say.

He reaches around and finds my clit. “There, baby? That what you want?”

“God, yes.”

He works those magic circles while his dick works that internal magic spot and soon I’m thrashing, gasping, and begging. “Please, please. Yes.”

“Come for me, Tess.”

Two more strokes and I do, shattering into a million sparkling pieces that fall from the sky like fireworks trailing to the ground.

He locks his hands tight around my hip bones and hauls me back for his final thrust, then he too, explodes in orgasm.

Gypsy falls to the mattress, sweating and breathing hard. I turn into him, and he pulls me close. I feel safe cuddled against his side. I close my eyes and imagine what it would be like to have him in my bed every night, to have this blissful feeling every time I come home, and he takes me in his arms. It’s a dream I know I can’t have. Whatever this is, it’s only temporary. That’s all it can ever be, because it’s all I’ll allow it to be. The risk to my heart loving a man like him is too great. I’ve vowed I’ll never let myself fall for someone so wrong for me. Still, I’ll take what I can get and enjoy the moment while it lasts.

I rest my head on his shoulder and absently trace a finger over a tattoo as his fingertips stroke gently down my spine. I hate that he’s a DK. I hate that he might someday be where my father is. I can’t stop myself from bringing it up. “It’s so depressing in that prison. I would hate for you to end up there.”

“Don’t plan on it, honey.”

“Promise?” I lift my head to look at him. Even if I can’t have a man like him in my life, I still want him to find happiness. I’m afraid for him—afraid he’s only got tragedy ahead of him.

He dips his chin to peer at me, smiling. “Cross my heart.”

I drop my head to his shoulder, settling in and changing the subject to something safer. “Growler had another visitor today.” I feel his body tense, and he frowns.

“Yeah? Who?”

I shrug. “I don’t know. Some woman. I passed her as I was leaving.”

“How do you know she was there for Growler?”

“The guard came to our table and told him he had another visitor. There was no one else in the waiting room when I left. Had to be her. Besides, she was dressed like a biker.”

“How so?”

“Well, I mean, she wasn’t showing skin or anything, but I saw some ink on her, and she was wearing biker boots.”

“Could be a coincidence.”

“Would some woman from the club be visiting my father?” I lift my head to stare at Gypsy. His eyes are on the ceiling, but I feel his hand on my back still.

“Did she have red hair?”

“Yes, how did you know?”


I push to a sitting position. “Sylvia? Who the fuck is Sylvia?”



“Rat’s ol’ lady. Well, widow now,” Gypsy tells me.

I frown. “Your old VP?”


“What’s she doing with my father?”

“Growler and Sylvia were having an affair.”

“Oh, my God.” My mother is going to be devastated. That’s the only thought that runs through my head. I suddenly wonder if my father ever intended to let my mother have any of that money. “Her showing up at the prison—what do you think it means?”

“I don’t know.” His hand moves to my hip and strokes up to cup my bare breast. His thumb brushes my nipple. “Lie back down, baby.”

I’m not ready to end the conversation. “You think he’d tell her where that key is stashed?” My eyes widen. “You think she already has it?”


“Why not?”

“Because I don’t think Growler’s a stupid man. He’s not gonna want her to get her hands on that money any more than he wants your mom to.”

I stare into space, thinking this all through. “He said he wrote my mom a letter. What do you think it says?”

“No clue. What do you think it says?”

I frown. “Maybe he’s going to ask for a divorce.” I stare down at Gypsy. “He’s already cut my mother off from visiting. And he’s apparently in another relationship.”

Gypsy huffs out a laugh. “Fat lot of good it’s gonna do him. He’s in

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