Dirty Desires (Devil Kings MC #3) - Nicole James Page 0,16

Says he’ll need it when he gets out.”

“Babe, I hate to break it to you, but he’s not gettin’ out anytime soon.”

“I know that.” I turn to look at him. “I told him that very thing.”

“What’d he say?”

“He thinks differently. Thinks his attorney’s going to get his conviction thrown out.” When I say it, Gypsy’s whole body tightens, and he straightens, his hands clenching on the railing.

“He said that?”

I nod. “Are you willing to bring me back again next week?”

He blows out a pissed-off breath. “If I’ve got time.”

I push my shades up on my head. “Let me see your eyes.”

He stares a few seconds, then reluctantly pushes his shades up. He turns his whole body toward me. We’re inches apart. At his full height, I have to tip my head back to look up at him.

“What do you see?” he asks.

“It’s still there, isn’t it?” I slide my palm up his chest. He covers my hand with his, tightening his hold.

“You know it is. But you’ve got this aversion to Devil Kings, and I’ve got an aversion to going where I’m not supposed to go.”

“A real rule-follower, are you?” I ask sarcastically.

The corner of his mouth pulls up. “Let’s just say I value my hide.”

“My father’s in prison. He can hardly do anything to you, can he?”

“Club rule is a club rule.”

“Who else would care?”

“Maybe everyone, maybe no one.”

“What are you worried about?”

“I’m worried my current president is going to wonder where my loyalty lies if I’m messing with my ex president’s hot young daughter. Especially if he finds out I’m hauling her ass down to Rutledge on a regular basis. He’s gonna have all kinds of fucking questions.” He lifts his chin. “Besides, I’m still a DK. That hasn’t changed, Princess.”

I pull back. “I told you. Don’t call me that.”

Faster than I can react, he cups his hand at my nape and drags me close, his mouth coming down on mine. The kiss is full of unspoken, pent-up desire, with the sparks that have been zinging back and forth between us all day. When he finally lifts his mouth, he asks, “Who’s gonna stop me?”



“And then what’d you do?” Hayley leans toward me, elbows on her kitchen island, a curl of her short blonde hair flopping onto her forehead as she hangs on my every word.

“I told him I needed to get home.”

“Seriously?” The you-dumbass tone in her voice is clear.

“I told you, he’s not my type.”

“He says something so totally badass hot to you, and you didn’t melt inside?”

I can’t hold her gaze, because I did melt inside. “Not at all.”

“Bullshit. You are such a liar, girlfriend.”

“I am not.”

Her hand lands on her hip, pulling back the side of her flannel shirt, one she probably swiped from her sexy-as-hell drummer boyfriend to reveal the vintage Van Halen tank beneath. One I’m sure I’ll steal from her first chance I get. She glares at me. “We’ve been friends too long for you to pull that shit with me. I can read you like a book, Tess.”

“There’s nothing to read. He did me a favor. End of story.”

She strolls into her living room to her collection of vintage LPs and flips through them. “Maybe he’s not like those other guys, ever think of that?”

“He’s one of them,” I stare into the glass of wine she poured for me the minute I walked in her door tonight. I down the remainder. “They’re all the same.”

“Not necessarily. I mean, yeah, there were some scary bad dudes in your dad’s old club. I remember the few times I was at your house, and they came in. But your mom said it’s all so different now. And didn’t this guy say your dad was a piece of shit for the way he’s treating your mom? Would he say that if he was just like him?”

I can’t argue with her, so I uncork the wine bottle and refill my glass. It’s been a long, stressful day driving to see my dad and then the conversation with Gypsy. I’m so confused by the conflicting feelings I have about him. Bouncing those feelings off my BFF has always helped me cope, but she’s making me question everything. I take a sip of the chardonnay, thinking about her reasoning.

Hayley pulls an LP out and puts it on the turntable. The mellow sounds of Boz Scaggs’ Silk Degrees album fill the air. She lights a joint, walks back, and passes it to me, resting her elbows on

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