Dirty Big Sins - E.M. Gayle Page 0,64

my release raced up my spine. However, her own cry did snag my attention as I realized she’d slipped one hand between her legs and now her entire body shook with tremors from her own impending release.

“Come now,” I ordered alongside a deep, dark bellow. I wanted to watch her explode—no, fuck that.

I jerked free from her mouth and as gently as possible, pushed her down to the plush carpet and shoved her hand away from her pussy.

Before she could get out an objection, I had two fingers buried deep and within seconds her muscles clenched while a scream tore from her luscious lips. Lips that I noticed had remnants of my cum on them. If she hadn’t already drained me, I would have come again from the sight.

Then there were the beautiful tears streaming down her face. Each one a testament to the emotions arcing between us. Somewhere along the line, I’d let her in. We’d gone beyond lovers and she’d certainly become more than something to possess. Although possession was still 9/10ths of the law and as far as I was concerned that was more than enough for me. She belonged to me.

Only now, I belonged to her too. Something had ripped open inside me and now I was a bundle of exposed nerves and they fucking hurt.

I’d meant every word I’d said to her and every thought I’d had. She was mine. Not just for tonight or tomorrow or the week after that.

I was never letting go. Forever.

Unfortunately, there were a lot of barriers still holding fort between us that had to be resolved. Secrets that she might not forgive.

Not that I intended to ask for forgiveness.

I did what I thought best because that was my job. There was a lot of evil in this world and a lot of demons that haunted her. If I could protect her from all of that in any way, I would. Again and again. Even against her will.

I only hoped that didn’t cause me to take more drastic measures.

As I rolled onto the floor and pulled her across my chest, I knew though…

There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her.

But there also wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do to her if I thought it was for her own good.

God help me, but I might be fucked.

Chapter Twenty-Two


* * *

Despite the darkness of the room, thanks to the drawn blinds, I suspected that dawn had arrived long ago. And as good as it felt lying here plastered skin-to-skin with Vincent, reality was starting to set in and that meant it was time to get to work.

I eased backward and tried to stand on unsteady legs. How many times exactly had he made me come after I’d sucked him off? I smiled at that delicious memory. I may have gotten my way with him first, but he’d more than evened the score later, making sure I was reminded each time who exactly was in charge.

“Don’t,” he mumbled, reaching out for me.

“I have to. I’m sure I am already late.”

“Then you might as well stay here.” He caught my hand and pulled, making me crash back down across his chest. A position he’d carefully maneuvered after every orgasm. Apparently, he liked having me sprawled across him.

“I would if I could, but this is it. My last day to prepare for tomorrow’s opening. And I have a million and one things left to do on my list.”

“Fuck that list. Make Julie do it.”

I rolled my eyes at him. “As much as I’m impressed that you remember my assistant’s name, I’m not about to dump all of my responsibilities on her just so you can get laid again. Besides, I’m not sure I could go again. I might not be able to walk as it is.”

His eyes popped open. “You’re hurt?”

The worried tone from him made my stomach flutter, which in turn made certain areas grow a little warm. I immediately slammed a mental door on those happenings. I was not going to get led down that path this morning. He may have a cock worthy of a Golden Globe, but that didn’t mean I could stop adulting at such a crucial time. Although if I didn’t get away from him now, there was a good chance I’d be trapped here all day.

When it came to him, my emotions were all over the map. He made me want things I probably shouldn’t. Desire was one thing, love an entirely different minefield. Hadn’t I learned enough lessons

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