Dirty Bad Box Set - Jade West Page 0,76

my nipple through my cami. “I know you want more, Cat, more of this.” He tipped his head towards the flat, towards the slice of normality we’d had together. “But please go softly on an old man set in his ways. I propose dinner, next Saturday. I’ll pick you up before Explicit. I’ll give you dinner, in exchange for a little gesture.” His eyes were hooded and glazed, his cock already swollen in his jeans.

I teased him with my palm. “What do you want in exchange?”

He kissed my ear, his breath loud and hot. “I’ll take you out, Cat, if you’ll piss in my mouth next weekend.”

I pulled away in shock, blinking up at him. “Are you serious?!”

“Deadly, and don’t act so surprised. I could have asked for a lot more, and I will. Believe me, Lydia, I’ll ask you for a lot more than that.”

“I’m not sure I’ll be able to do it,” I said. “I can’t imagine it.”

“Dinner in exchange for drinks, Cat, that’s my proposition.”

“You actually want to drink my pee, that’s what you’re saying?” I was already burning up, I could feel it.

“That’s exactly what I’m saying,” he smiled. “Will you piss for me, Lydia, yes or no? The clock’s ticking.”

I jittered nervously from one foot to another, stomach in knots.

“I’m sorry, Miss Marsh, but I’m going to have to push you for an answer…”

“Ok, yes,” I said, before I could stop myself. “But I’m not sure I’m going to return the favour and guzzle down any of yours, I’m pretty sure that’s a hard limit of mine.”

He smiled, and it was the smile of the beast, dark and horny and dirty as sin. He backed away, retreating onto the street. “We’ll find out, Lydia,” he growled. “I think you may surprise yourself.”

I hoped he wouldn’t hold his breath. The idea was squicky as hell, nearly squicky enough to stop me jilling myself crazy over it later, but only nearly.



Even with Salmons eating healthily into our work schedule the week really dragged. It dragged in a way I’d never felt before, not once since I’d been working with James. I guessed it was the contrast, the glimpse of what could be outside of that place, with its corporate mentality and it’s hush-hush agreement.

Work was undeniably different, regardless of how hard we tried. We kept our business-as-normal front on it, but things had definitely changed. There was something more in his eyes than the previous sheen of professional camaraderie, something deeper and darker and much more raw. Maybe he saw it in my eyes, too, I don’t know.

I kept it all firmly to myself, ignoring the temptation to spill some of the emotional beans to Steph. The option presented itself mid-week when she began calling, but I forced myself to avoid and ignore. I told myself she was probably full of more junk about Stu and let it go, having no time for that crap anymore.

Rebecca was my only accomplice, and me hers. We’d talk more than we’d ever talked before, long nights over coffee, laughing about love and life, and weird, dirty sex in public. I loved her for it. My little heart stretched its wings, the tiniest sliver of hope for the happily-ever-after, for the blossoming of romance unlike any other. Maybe white knights did turn up to slap your clitoris, after all? Maybe that’s what true love is all about?

I hoped so.

Most of all I hoped for a chance with him, my man in the mask. A real chance in the real world.

It’s often the small decisions that are the catalysts for the major events, and my life that week was no different. I just didn’t see any of it coming.


Rebecca had picked out my dress, all ready for my nice, posh meal and piss-gate beyond. It was a classy red number, fitted satin with a long split at the back.

“Bingo,” she’d laughed. “Multi-functional. This little gem will look cracking in the dining hall, and possibly even better when you piss in the thing.”

I took her word for it.

I spent the whole day getting ready, and yet I was still late. James was picking me up at seven, nice and early, in line with the time Rebecca and Cara had scheduled their kiss-and-make-up chat. Their reconciliation was inevitable. They’d hardly been off the phone since the blow up.

I scrubbed myself in Rebecca’s posh oriental body wash, taking an age to shave off every scrap of body hair I possessed, then wrapped myself in a

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