Dirty Bad Box Set - Jade West Page 0,229

her staring at me over her snakebite and black, a curious expression on her face. “What?” I asked. “What is it?”

“Don’t you want to know what he looks like?”

The thought flushed my face. “Sometimes. I dunno. It’s my fantasy, the stranger who’ll fuck me like I need to be fucked. Seeing his face might kill it. Make it too real, you know? Before you know it we’d be chilling out for TV nights, and then we’d be doing the shopping together. Maybe he’d even give me a ride in his truck, let me toot the horn.”

“And that’s bad?”

“Yeah, that’s bad. That’s not what I want. I don’t want to drift into a normal crappy life with someone who makes me feel so alive.”

“And if it didn’t drift? If it was something good?”

How I wished. I really wished. “He’s married, technically. And who knows? He might like watching soaps and eating couscous. He might like sleeping with his socks on in bed, and organising food in colour order in the fridge.”

She laughed. “Ok, Figi, if you say so. I give you a month before you’ve fallen for him, and then see how much of a deal breaker couscous and socks in bed are.”

The flutter in my stomach told me she was wrong.

It wouldn’t be a month. It was already happening.


Jason knew my schedule and it showed. He called the minute I signed off from my shift.

“Are you sure you’re ok, dirty girl? Maybe I should have been there.”

“I’m good,” I said, and I meant it. “It was crazy.”

“Crazy good or crazy fucked up?”


He was silent for a long moment. “How is your week, Gemma?”

“It’s filled with a dirty bad stranger. I can’t seem to keep my mind off him.”

“Good. I like that.”

Do you? Really? Do you think of me?

“And yours, Jason? How is your week? Trucks trucking on schedule?”

He sighed. “I’ve had better weeks.”

“Tell me about it,” I groaned. “My friend Chelsea caused a whirlwind of drama last weekend. I’m just waiting for the fallout. She’s brought it all on herself. Friends, eh? What can you do?”

The tone in his voice was strangely demanding. “What happened?”

“At the club we went to, Kings, she tried it on with a footballer and got blown out. Someone snapped a photo of her jumping on him, and she got herself a stupid tabloid deal. Made up a load of shit that isn’t true. It’ll come back to bite her on her pretty little ass.”

“Jason Redfern, I’ve seen it. Will she take it back? Save herself the grief?”

“No chance. Thinks it’s her break. She’s always been a selfish cow. The guy’s married, famous but married. I’m sure his shit smells the same as the rest of us. Must have really fucked things up for him, it’s all over the news.” I groaned. “She’s wanted to be famous for as long as I can remember, and her latest fad is the footballer’s wife shit. Don’t think she’s going the best way about it.”

“How about you, Gemma? Don’t you fancy being a footballer’s wife?”

I laughed aloud. “Fuck no. Can’t think of anything worse. Cameras in your face 24/7, all of your business all over the TV. Being famous would be my worst nightmare, I’d rather stay unknown, my own private kind of weird.”

“I imagine it would be challenging.”

“Horrible, you mean. Anyway, I think I’m safe on that front. You should have seen the women in that club, I don’t think I have the makings of a celebrity wife, somehow. Not even if some drunk Singer lad groped my ass.”

“I don’t want to hear any more of that rubbish. You’re a beautiful, fiery, vivacious woman, Gemma. And you have a fucking gorgeous pussy.” His voice was low, gravelly. Hot. “Is my dirty girl ready for round two?”

“Will you be there this time?”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

His words gave me tingles. “When?”

“Tomorrow night. I’ll pick you up at eight. Wait for me in the entrance, blindfolded.”


Chapter Fourteen


I dressed to impress. Not Chelsea style. Gemma style. A soft lace dress which skimmed my curves, deep purple to contrast the bright glow of my hair. I twirled in the mirror on my dainty black heels, and my dress flared out from my waist in floaty ripples. Perfect.

I checked the time as I styled my hair, heart pounding at the realisation Jason must be on his way.

Two men. Two strangers. Two thick cocks to push their way deep inside.

I wanted them. Fuck, how I wanted them.

I thought about it while I applied

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