TO DIE FOR (Eva Rae Thomas Mystery Book 8) - Willow Rose Page 0,30

They keep dragging it out.”

Four years ago? Tommy was killed two and a half years ago. It couldn’t have been Jeffrey Johnson who drove the truck then.

“That’s tough,” I said and placed a hand on the woman’s shoulder. Isabella looked at me and nodded.

“Why are you looking for him?”

“We’re actually looking for his car,” I said. “A Ford Skyranger. One of the rarest pick-up trucks Ford ever made.”

I showed her a picture of the truck from the Internet. Isabella’s face lit up. “Yeah, that’s Jeff’s truck. He loved it so much—ugliest thing in the world if you ask me, but he never did care for my opinion.”

“So, he did own one?”

She nodded. “Yes. But it was in his garage when it burned down, so it was lost in the fire.”

“Do you know if Jeff was ever in an accident with that car?” I asked, even though I knew it didn’t fit with the timeline.

Isabella paused. She gave me a strange look. “Who are you people? Why are you asking all these questions?”

I showed her my FBI badge. “We’re just investigating an old case. Two and a half years ago, a man was hit by a truck in downtown Winter Park. It was a Ford Skyranger like Jeff’s.”

She shook her head. “So, you thought my brother killed him?”

“We’re investigating what happened; that’s all. The car led us here in our search. But if Jeffrey died in the fire four years ago, then it couldn’t have been him.”

She scoffed. “I can’t believe you people, coming here and asking these questions after he is dead. Have you no shame?”

“I…just said that…”

Isabella didn’t stay to hear me out. She turned around and walked away, her high heels clicking loudly. Scott came up behind me with a deep sigh.

“Looks like we hit a dead end.”

I nodded, feeling disappointed. I had felt so confident we were onto something here. Now, it felt like we were back to square one, even though I didn’t want to admit it.

Chapter 32

Sarah Abbey had run track in high school and even gone to state, where she placed third in her junior year. It was many years ago now, but at this moment, storming outside of her prison into the street, she was suddenly so grateful her mother had pushed her not to quit running back then. She was still fast, even though it wasn’t as fast as she used to be. But as the adrenalin kicked in, she was able to accelerate and get as far away as humanly possible.

As she looked behind her to make sure she wasn’t being followed, she charged into an elderly lady. She forced her into the bushes next to her and made her drop the bag in her hand. The woman screamed for dear life and stared at her like she was being attacked. Seeing this, Sarah stopped, picked up the bag, and handed it to her, saying, “I am so sorry.”

Sarah fumbled with the bag while the elderly woman stared at her, eyes wide and frightened. Sarah realized what she must look like as the woman pulled the bag from between her hands with a disapproving grunt.

“Are you hurt?” Sarah asked, her heart pounding in her chest, eyes glancing toward the street where she had come from, fearing to see her kidnapper show up at any moment.

You pierced a nail into their chest! That should give you some time.

The elderly woman nodded, clinging to her handbag. Sarah took off again, heading toward an intersection where she could cross the street. She sprinted along the sidewalk and reached a strip mall, where she slowed down, then merged in with the crowd of shoppers, catching her breath while zigzagging between them, blending in as best as she could without turning heads because of her dirty and torn clothes. Luckily, most people were too busy with their own quests even to notice her. A few children did, though, and pointed at her. One even laughed.

As she walked past the stores and reached another parking lot, Sarah took off running again. She spotted a park and realized she knew where she was.

“Mead Botanical Garden,” she mumbled.

Sarah crossed the street and went in. She sat on a bench in the garden’s amphitheater and caught her breath. Then she began wondering what to do next. Where could she possibly go? A police car drove by on the street outside the garden, and her heart sank.

If only she could go to the police.

But if she couldn’t go to them, where Copyright 2016 - 2024