To Die For - Davidson King Page 0,9

to his chest and sighed dramatically. “Oh, Max, his heart is broken, and only your manly ways can mend it.”

“I’m cutting you off,” I said as I threw my bar towel at his face. It made me happy to see him laughing.

Sparkles hung out on the stool for about half an hour, had another drink, then said he was going to dance. Sparkles usually opted for the stage to dance over the floor, and why wouldn’t he when he had a free pass to do so?

The bar was insanely busy, but every spare chance I got, I looked toward the stage and saw him moving expertly to the beat. Other dancers on the stage began gravitating to him, but there was no denying how much he was in his own head.

I didn’t know when he’d left the stage, but at one point I glanced at the dancers, and he was gone. I spent the remainder of my time helping customers and making sure my bartenders were doing their best. Everyone was happy, and that was what mattered.

By closing I was ready to go home and pass out. Shane said he’d close for me, so I went to the back, grabbed my leather coat, and left through the side exit. I’d just straddled my bike when someone spoke—not just someone, Sparkles.

“Why does it not surprise me that you ride a motorcycle?”

Grinning, I patted the space behind me. “Want to go for the ride of your life? And I’m not just talking about the bike.” I winked and he chuckled but walked closer.

“I guess it makes sense. I’m not sure I see you as a ‘make out in the back seat’ sort of guy.”

“Not my thing.” I shrugged. “So, you hanging out in parking lots now?”

Sparkles’s eyes darted around almost nervously but maybe more like he was uncertain. “My friend…well…assistant, was supposed to pick me up, but he’s running late.”

“You don’t have a car?”

“Oh, no, I do, but when I know I’m going to drink, I arrange for an Uber or something. In this case, Nolan, my assistant.”

My watch read three in the morning. “Why not text Nolan and say you got a ride, and I’ll drop you off?” I didn’t want him standing in a parking lot at this hour alone. I’d make the offer for anyone, but I wanted him to say yes more than anybody else.

“Hop on your hog, so you can take me home and know where I live?” he asked sardonically.

“Why would I need to stalk you at your home when you relentlessly come to my place of work and creep all over my bar, sucking down my drinks and begging for more?” Yeah, there was massive innuendo there, and I wasn’t sorry because when Sparkles’s head flew back and he laughed, it was worth any and all the cheesy lines.

“Fine. Honestly, I’m tired, and I have a class at eight and need rest.” He pulled out his phone and texted his friend. “Got a spare helmet?”

“Actually no, but take mine.” I handed it to him, but he just stared at me. “You just slip it over your head and then take the strap—”

“I know how to put a helmet on, but what about you?”

“Aww.” I put my hand on my chest. “Are you worried about me?”

“No, I just…forget it.” He put the helmet on, keeping the visor up, and slipped in behind me. When he pressed his body against mine, it felt so good I almost moaned.

“You’re going to have to wrap your arms around me.” I felt Sparkles’s breath on my ear.

“Like this?” He squeezed so tightly I couldn’t breathe.

“No, I need to be able to stay conscious to drive.” He loosened his grip. “Better.”

“Sorry, I just get this overpowering sense of rage around you.” He chuckled.

“Whatever. Just hold on and try to move with my body. But if you hold close, you should naturally move with me.”

“Mmm. How sexual.” Hearing the purr of Sparkles’s tone made my cock stiffen, and now I’d have to drive with a hard-on.

When the motorcycle roared to life and Sparkles closed the visor of the helmet and gripped me just a little tighter, I loved the moment just a tiny bit more.

“Where do you live?”

“You know the studio, Ashley’s Haven?” I nodded because I’d passed it quite a few times. “I live in the building across the street from it.”

“Okay, hang on.” I drove out of the parking lot, smiling the whole way to his apartment building.

Chapter Six


As Max Copyright 2016 - 2024