To Die For - Davidson King Page 0,71

him in the dark for now.

Chapter Forty


Nolan made sure to inform all the dancers of the studio’s new address, and we were glad no one was bothered by it and quit. We announced a special grand opening party next month, and everyone seemed so excited.

I was feeling a lot better since Halloween. I doubted I’d ever forget that night. How Norman pressed on my neck so hard, I was almost unconscious. I could feel his fingers on my skin, and I kept trying to fight, but I was weak and unable to breathe. Then like a rush of air, Norman was thrown off me, and Atlas stood there like a lion ready to devour his prey.

“Hey, you okay?” Max said as we pulled into his mom’s driveway. We were here for an early dinner and a surprise for her and his sisters.

“Yeah, just thinking.”

“What about?” He smiled and I knew I loved this man. I knew it and I couldn’t wait to tell him. But not here and not like this.

“How surprised your mom and sisters are going to be about their evening.”

He chuckled. “It’s going to be great.”

I’d sensed something was off about Max for a few days, but I didn’t say anything. I figured he was on edge, between the photos of his mom and Dorian’s harassment, but I assumed he didn’t want to talk about it for fear he’d upset me. I’d told him and Atlas what Norman had said, and it was clear Dorian was taking money from important people in exchange for favors. Norman’s favor was obviously to have sex with me. I also knew anything that involved me was more about humiliation than it was about money.

Max’s ma asked us about the creepy guy, and we played it off that we were keeping an eye out but hoped he was gone. Max and I didn’t want to worry her, but we also didn’t want her to stop watching her back either.

After a delicious dinner, Max told her and his sisters, Frances and Maria, to sit in the living room, as he had a surprise.

“Oh, I hope it’s a good surprise and not like the time you surprised me by telling me how you successfully made a fish tank out of my washing machine,” his mom said as she sat beside Maria.

“I’ll be wanting to hear that story.” I nudged Max’s arm.

“No, no, that’s just…no. Okay, good surprise time.”

Max handed them each a ticket. It took a moment, but then Frances squealed.

“No way!” She got up and ran over to Max hugging him then me. “Ma look!” She pointed to the ticket.

“A music show?” She appeared confused, and I wondered if maybe she’d never gone to a concert. I knew their dad had kept her pretty isolated.

“The Night of Music concert at the fairgrounds. It was sold out. Barry Manilow will be there and Tony Bennett!”

Her eyes widened. “Oh, my heavens.” She looked at us and I loved the joy on her face so much, I smiled until it hurt. “When is this?”

Max made a show of looking at his naked wrist. “In two hours, so you better go get ready.”

I never saw three women move so fast. Each hugged and thanked us again, and we sat there, thrilled they’d have a wonderful evening. I loved that Max’s friend Biggs was able to get tickets for them.

We stayed to help them sort out their outfits, hair, and makeup. Well, I did that. Max smiled and said they were pretty.

“Thanks, guys. This is way cool,” Maria said as she slipped her coat on.

“You’re welcome. We’ll lock up, you three just head on out.” Max and I walked them to the door, accepting hugs and kisses before they scrambled away, talking a mile a minute about how excited they were.

I had assumed we’d do as Max said and lock up and go to the hotel. So when he sat on the couch and asked me to join him, I was surprised.

“I’m not having sex with you on your mother’s couch,” I joked as I cuddled next to him.

“I don’t think I’d be able to get it up on this couch.”

I slid my hand over his cock. “Is that a challenge?”

He chuckled, his hand covering mine. “I need to tell you something.”

The seriousness in his tone got my attention, and I sat up. “What’s going on?”

He rubbed his hand over his face and sighed. “You’re going to hate this, maybe even hate me, but this is the only Copyright 2016 - 2024