To Die For - Davidson King Page 0,7

our lease is up in two months, Earl?”

He scooted forward in the chair. “I said that too. That a lot of you had leases coming up. In the agreement, he won’t evict anyone. And he won’t be turning the buildings into other things.”

How was Earl so naïve? “In that agreement does it say anything about raising the rent? And don’t you find all of this, every part of all this, odd? It’s like a dream come to life for you, Earl.”

“I know, kid, I do, but I did my research. Any place he’s ever bought, I spoke to people. He never raised rent and if he did, it was like a hundred more a month, nothing huge. He doesn’t seem scummy.” Earl released a weary sigh. “I’m tired, Lane. I want to spend the rest of my life with Betty just relaxing.”

I knew he was right, and I could see how this amazing deal dangling in front of his face was too good not to grab. “Okay, Earl. I trust you.” It was whoever this other guy was that I didn’t trust. “Do we get to meet our new overlord?” I chuckled.

“Yes! He’s hosting a big dinner to meet everyone. He wants to make a good impression on all of you. I really think you’ll like him, Lane. He’s charming.”

Earl was like the father I never had, and for the last two years I’d rented the studio, he was always trying to hook me up with people.

“Well, just because he’s your Prince Charming and making your dreams come true doesn’t mean he’s mine. Besides, I’ve always been more into the bad boys.”

Earl shook his head. “Maybe that’s why you haven’t found ‘the one’ yet.”

“No, Earl. See, the bad boys are more honest. They openly wear their flaws. It’s the ones that cover their scars in Armani you have to worry about.”

Earl shrugged but let the conversation go. “I’ll leave the information about the dinner with Nolan. I’m sure you’ll all like him. He’s a good guy, Lane.”

“If you say so.” I walked him out and as I watched Alexandra teaching her class, the huge knot that started to form in my stomach while Earl was here turned into lead. I had a terrible feeling about this.

Alexandra, Nolan, and I spent the next few days reading our lease, talking to lawyers, doing everything we could to make sure we were safe. Sadly, we never got the answers we wanted. There was nothing stopping the new owner from not renewing unless he signed something contractual with Earl, which I doubted he did. And there was certainly nothing stopping the owner from raising our rent.

I made a stop at the bank on my way to the studio and asked to get into my safety deposit box. As I sat in the room, box open to the money that wasn’t truly mine, I thought about what I was going to do.

It could all be in my head. The new person might leave things be, but I had Alexandra and Nolan to think about. They needed their jobs. And my mother. She was upstate in the best facility money could buy. It cost fifty thousand a year to keep her there, but they took great care of her. Her dementia was to the point where she rarely, if ever, had great moments anymore. I visited when I could, but each time it tore a piece of me away. She didn’t know who I was, sometimes she had fits of rage, or massive depression, and while she couldn’t remember huge parts of our lives, I knew every second.

Her well-being, my studio, my whole life as it was now, was built on terrible lies. I hoped I didn’t have to choose between Alexandra’s and Nolan’s jobs and my mom’s care. I hoped this new person let life go on as it was. I hadn’t destroyed my soul for it to all go up in flames now.

I sealed the box and returned it. I was going to meet this person and figure it out. The studio was making good money, and with the amount I had in my savings, I was sure we’d get out of this. Please don’t let me be wrong.

Chapter Five


“I got good news for you,” I heard Ciro say through my earpiece as I handed a guy a shot of tequila.

“Do you? Is it like Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans just got here and are asking for me to join them in a game Copyright 2016 - 2024