To Die For - Davidson King Page 0,69

or anything.

“I think we made a wrong turn,” I said and went to move but he stopped me.

“No, dear puppet, we’re right where we need to be.” His hand traveled down to cup my ass.

Flashbacks of all those times Dorian had trapped me with men just like Norman came crashing into me. I was a helpless seventeen-year-old when I was with Dorian, but I wasn’t that kid anymore. Never again would I let someone take advantage of me.

“Norman, I don’t know what Dorian told you, but if you don’t get your hands off me, I will kick your nuts so hard, you’ll taste peanut butter for the rest of your life.”

He chuckled, and I felt his tongue lap my cheek. He clearly didn’t care about the makeup I wore.

“I’m not fucking around, Norman. I’m trying to give you a chance here.”

“Mmm, I do like it when they get frisky.”

Okay, that was enough of that. I jerked my knee up, glad when it made contact with his balls.

“Motherfucker,” he shouted, and I took the moment to feel around for the exit. It was so dark, I couldn’t see anything.

“I’ll make you pay for that, you little shit.”

I dare not say a word for fear he’d know where I was. I went to the ground and started crawling. Eventually I’d find a way out of this room. Just as I felt the opening, Norman grabbed my ankle and pulled me to him.

“Not so fast. I paid a lot of money for you, and I’m not letting you go until I’ve had what I came for. I was going to be sweet about it, but I can see you like it rough. So, let me oblige.” Then one of Norman’s hands pressed against my neck, making it hard to breathe, while his other started ripping my costume from my body. I tried to hit the microphone button on my wrist. I smacked it a few times and screamed. I hoped someone heard it and would find me.

Chapter Thirty-Nine


The sound of a scream rang out in my ear. I looked at Shane, who also had an earpiece in and had to have heard it. His head jolted up, and he met my gaze.

“Who was that?” I said into my mic.

“Check in,” Ciro answered.

One by one everyone sounded off…except Sparkles.

“Sparkles, come in,” I said, but there was nothing.

Ciro went about ordering his men to locate him, and Shane waved me to go. I leaped over the bar and began frantically checking the crowd. I searched the bathrooms, everything. Then Toby spoke over the mic.

“The haunted house! I saw him go up there with a weird guy. I told Atlas, and he was going up there.”

“I can’t find him,” Atlas’s voice came through, and I made for the stairs. The line was pretty long, and I was about to start shoving people when I saw a familiar face.

I didn’t give a fuck what the repercussions would be; I ran and with all the force I could muster, tackled Dorian to the floor. I didn’t hesitate to punch him right in the jaw.

“Get the fuck off me.” He pushed but I was ready for his struggle.

“Where’s Sparkles?”

He chuckled exposing blood covered teeth. “Oh, your sweet Sparkles. Well, I’m not at liberty to—” I didn’t give him a chance to finish before I punched him again.

“Where. Is. He?”

He lifted his head, anger showing clear on his face, his cheeks red. “No one. Not a single person ever treats me like he did and gets away with it. He’s getting what he deserves. And when there’s nothing left of him, I’ll toss you the scraps.”

“I’ll kill you,” I growled loud enough for him to hear.

“You may try, but men like me don’t die.”

I gripped his jacket and slammed his body against the floor, smiling when his head smashed back.

“You’re not a man, you’re a monster, and they die every day.”

“I got him!” I heard Atlas say in my earpiece.

I hit the mic. “I need security by the stairs.”

“Kicking me out again?” He sneered. “That wouldn’t be a smart move.”

Two of Ciro’s guys came over. “Get this piece of shit out of here.” I stood and without waiting, I made my way up the stairs.

“Everyone move away,” one of the security guys said, but he let me through.

The lights were on in the haunted house, so it was easy to move through. I followed the sounds of shouting.

“You have no right to ban me, nor do you have any right Copyright 2016 - 2024