To Die For - Davidson King Page 0,66

safe. Ciro had a guy watching over Ma’s and Teresa’s houses, and I felt a lot better going to work knowing someone was shadowing Ma and my niece and nephew as well. It was Halloween morning, and my mom was baking up a storm with her candied apples. We loved this time of year, and there were always so many kids who visited the house. Maria, Frances, and Teresa would be with her tonight, and Barney would be going out with the kids, trick-or-treating. I had to work because we had the big party at the club. Knowing I’d be seeing Sparkles excited me beyond words.

The two of us had talked on the phone and texted a lot since keeping our distance, but it wasn’t the same. I missed his touch…his taste. But tonight, I was going to make the most of the time we had together before the club opened.

I said good-bye to my family, hopped on my bike with my costume tucked in the carry case, and drove to Joker’s Sin.

Atlas had the outside of the club looking very festive with hanging ghosts, lit up pumpkins, orange lights, and signs that said “Turn back” and “Enter at your own risk.” I parked and went in the side entrance. I could hear Ledger doing sound checks and smiled when “Monster Mash” started playing. Inside, it was spooky and perfectly Halloween. The smoke machine was going to run on the stage, making it look ghostly. We couldn’t have things popping out at people and risk hurting them, so mostly it was hanging spiders, skeletons, and cobwebs. Upstairs was set up as a haunted house people could walk through.

“Hey,” Shane said. He was dressed to look like The Human Torch. After I got my Ghost Rider costume, he came up with the idea for all the bartenders to be Marvel Superheroes. When they agreed, we made sure not to duplicate.

“Hey, you look great. How’d you get your hair to stand up like that?” He had his red hair looking like flames; it was impressive.

“Hair wax and a lot of spray. I’ll be in the shower for a week after tonight.” He laughed.

“Well, you look great. I’m going to head to the back; Sparkles is coming to do up my face. Can you make sure everything is in order and that everyone knows how to do the Halloween drinks? The dry ice is the key.”

He nodded. “You got it.” I moved to the room and hung up my outfit. I was going to change into it but was sort of hoping I’d get some skin-on-skin time with Sparkles, so I sat and waited for him to arrive.

I didn’t have to wait too long, and when he entered the room he froze, eyes locked with mine. It had only been a few days, but it felt like a lifetime since we’d been in each other’s presence.

“Shut the door,” I said, breaking the silence.

He did and put his garment bag on the chair closest to him. He was devoid of all makeup and was wearing a T-shirt and stretch pants. I hoped the reason he wasn’t in costume was because he wanted me the way I longed for him.

“Come here.” I sat on the small couch and opened my arms. He locked the door and came running over, straddled my lap, and crushed his lips to mine.

“I missed you,” I said between breaths.

“Me too.” He licked inside my mouth, down my neck, and I felt his fingers reaching for the hem of my shirt and damn, I wanted to be naked with him.

“Take off your clothes.” My voice was raspy, filled with incredible need for him.

He slid off my lap and without any finesse, undressed in record time. I chuckled as I, too, quickly removed my clothes, not caring that they were in a heap on the floor. At that moment, I wanted to wear Sparkles and Sparkles only.

“Stand between my legs,” I said.

Sparkles smirked but did as I asked, stopping when he could get no closer. I looked up into his enchanting eyes, and without even a blink, I took his cock into my mouth. I didn’t want to miss a single reaction. I loved how his mouth opened slightly, releasing a soft gasp. As I sped up, he bit his lip, moaned, gently pushed his cock into my mouth, and gripped my shoulders.

“Max…stop, I’m gonna—”

I didn’t let him finish. I slipped his cock out of my mouth, grabbed his hips, and tossed Copyright 2016 - 2024