To Die For - Davidson King Page 0,60

text said, and it was sent almost twenty minutes ago. I tried frantically to text back, and when he didn’t answer, I tried to call. It ended up going to voice mail.

“Having phone trouble?” Dorian asked with a sharklike grin.

“I swear to Christ, I will turn your face into hamburger if anyone so much as touches a hair on his head. Your fucking failure of trying to embarrass him the other night was laughable. We don’t give a shit what he wears, or that he colors his hair. He could come in here covered in lime jelly, and we’d still accept him.”

He narrowed his eyes at me. “Maybe next time that’s how I’ll dress him.”

“No.” I slammed my hand on the bar catching the attention of a few people around us. “You don’t go near him.”

Dorian tsked. “Kind of hard when I own the building he lives in and the one he works in.”

The urge to smash his face against the bar was huge. I wanted to laugh and tell him he didn’t have as much control as he thought. I’d spoken to Biggs Brighton, and he got me in touch with a PI who was looking into the validity of Dorian Birch’s claim that Lilac Springs was in financial trouble. Something told me they were fine, and Dorian was just playing Sparkles.

“Nothing lasts forever, dickbag.”

“Dickbag?” He laughed. “I like that. I think I’ll use it.”

I was about to just go for broke and punch him, but Atlas walked over and from the worried expression on his face, I knew I wasn’t hiding my anger well.

“Max,” Atlas said. “I need to see you in my office.” I knew it was a tactic to get me away from Dorian, and I was sure it was obvious to everyone.

I left the bar quickly and went straight to Atlas’s office. Atlas was hot on my heels and the second I stepped in, he shut the door. “What’s going on?” he asked.

I took the next minute, telling Atlas everything…everything. From what Sparkles told me to right up to this minute. I knew he already knew more than most, and if Sparkles was in trouble, I needed all the help I could get. I was constantly checking my phone while I talked, hoping I’d hear from Sparkles.

“And you haven’t heard from him?”

I shook my head. “No, I gotta go. I have to make sure he’s okay.”

“You’re not going over there alone.” Atlas pressed the button for his mic. “Ciro, I need you in my office.”

“Ciro? You can’t spare him right now.”

Atlas rolled his eyes. “It’s a quiet night, and Ciro is the best person to help you. Now, go get your shit. I’ll keep trying Sparkles and text you if I hear anything from him.”

I wanted to argue with Atlas, but I was running out of time. I tried calling Sparkles once more, but it went to voice mail. “Fine,” I told Atlas, and I walked out of his office.

While I was in the back getting my jacket, Atlas caught Ciro up on what was going on, and when I was walking toward my bike, Ciro said he would follow in his car. I hoped Sparkles wouldn’t be mad at Atlas and Ciro knowing everything that was going on, but there was no choice. We needed help.

I was frantic the entire drive to Sparkles’s place. We were so close to getting him out of this shit situation. Did Dorian figure out what he did? Did he know Sparkles wasn’t going to be in that apartment or that studio next month?

My mind was spinning so many scenarios, questions, and probabilities. Visions of him unconscious had me accelerating, not really caring if Ciro could keep up. The need to get there was too strong. I hoped Sparkles was okay, because if he wasn’t, I didn’t know if there was a force on earth that would be able to stop me from killing Dorian Birch.

Chapter Thirty-Four


“I’m guessing this message is from Dorian?” I didn’t dare move. Tank was growling in between little barks.

“Shut that fucking dog up!” he shouted, and I scooped Tank up in my arms.

“Just say what you came to say and leave. He won’t stop, because you’re threatening me, and he knows that.”

Mancy chuckled. “He’s a tiny little shit. I’m not afraid of him.”

I shrugged, knowing just how sharp Tank’s teeth were. “Though he be little, he is fierce.” Of course Shakespeare’s quote was directed toward a woman, Hermia from Helena in A Midsummer Night’s Copyright 2016 - 2024